Aloha and welcome to the Exopolitics website launched on January 20, 2003 to coincide with Martin Luther King Day in the USA. At the time, I (Dr. Salla) was a “Researcher in Residence” with the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington D.C. I had earlier worked as an Assistant Professor in the School of International Service (1996-2001) when I saw the May 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference. I decided to begin researching evidence concerning an undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. After writing an article outlining my research findings, “The Need for Exopolitics: Implications of Conspiracy Theories of Policy Makers and Global Peace,” I was told that my exopolitics research had “no place either within the Center for Global Peace or American University.”
Officially discouraged from publishing my exopolitics research on my former academic website, I therefore started the exopolitics.org website as a place that could host my exopolitics research. My exopolitics research gradually gained the attention of the mainstream press, and this culminated in retaliation by my academic superiors at American University. My “Peace Ambassador program” was summarily terminated in April 2004, and I was told my academic position would not be renewed in August 2004. It was not only faculty and administrators at American University that were opposed to exopolitics research, students also were largely dismissive as illustrated in a class exercize I did in the summer of 2001 where I got mostly negative feedback on the merits of the Disclosure Project Press conference.
Since its modest beginning, this website has expanded to host all my research papers and exopolitical commentaries for free to the general public. The site currently hosts or links to over 1000 pages of my scholarly research, commentaries and news blog articles. It provides the largest free public database on exopolitics research and commentary. exopolitics.org has had over 11 million visitors from Jan 2003 to Dec 2021, with a current average of 5000 daily visitors. I invite you to peruse my latest articles or the article archives. Alternatively, you may like to begin your exopolitics research by reading my recommended articles for becoming fully briefed on exopolitics.
Mahalo for your interest in exopolitics. Special thanks to all those who have recommended this website to others, and supported my research. Your supportive efforts are a reminder of Margaret Mead’s famous insight: “Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Michael E. Salla, PhD
March 22, 2022
Tennessee, USA