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Complete Archives of Exopolitics Articles

All my exopolitics papers, book reviews and interviews will be periodically added to five sections on this webpage. The first section includes Research Papers that are comprehensively researched and referenced, and that range in length from 5,000 – 12,000 words. This section will also include research articles published in the Exopolitics Journal; and ‘Exopolitics Reports’ that provide a comprehensive analysis of a critical expolitical issues that range in length from 15,000 to 18,000 words.

The second section includes “Exopolitical Comments” that are unreferenced articles between 750 – 4000 words that address topical issues from an exopolitical perspective.

The third section includes Exopolitics interviews with prominent whistleblowers that range between 4,000 to 10,000 words or were published in my Exopolitics Today podcast.

The fourth section is for book reviews published in the Exopolitics Journal or that range in length between 1000-2000 words.

Updates will be sent out to those who have subscribed to the Exopolitics email list (free).

Finally, there is a section for articles written for and/or my former Examiner News Column (2009-2015)

I thank you for any support you can give to Exopolitics Research and for helping me provide my research free to the general public. For ways to help please click here.

Michael E. Salla, PhD