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Rescuing Children from Solar System DUMBs & Nazca Space Ark

Jean Charles Moyen and Melanie Charest are extraterrestrial contactees who also served with a joint US-French secret space program based on a large mothership called the Solaris. In this Exopolitics Today interview, they describe their respective roles in rescuing children who were abducted and...

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Galactic Slave Trade Exposed – Alex Collier Uncensored

Alex Collier was the first to reveal the existence of a US military secret space program in the early 1990s that had established colonies in other solar systems. His information came from extraterrestrials belonging to the Andromeda Council, an organization of benevolent human-looking beings dedicated...

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Faking a Cryptoterrestrial Invasion – New Webinar!

In a recent academic paper, Harvard University professors proposed the existence of cryptoterrestrials as a valid explanation for the origin of the UFO phenomenon. Rather than extraterrestrials arriving from distant exoplanets on superluminal spacecraft, the explanation for UFOs now shifts to cryptoterrestrials...

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