Rebecca Rose was born in 1972 to a Naval aeronautical engineer father and German mother who formed a breeding couple for the Nachtwaffen, aka German Dark Fleet, that had fully infiltrated the US military-industrial complex. She was subsequently recruited into the Nachtwaffen when 4 years old. by her...
JFK Assassination Files Release and New Whistleblower on UFO Crash Retrieval Programs
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Jan 25, 2025
Remote Viewing of the Seeder Extraterrestrials
Jacob Barber’s whistleblower claims are revealed in News Nation Episode
Jean Charles Moyen has had another space ark experience, this time under Nasca Plains of Peru.’
Releasing suppressed Exotic Technologies, Mystery Drones and Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Elena Danaan reveals how the release of exotic technologies long suppressed by the Deep State are being released through a process whereby these are claimed to be new inventions. This process is part of a disclosure plan developed jointly between the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance...
Diplomatic Letter from an Inner Earth Draco Reptilian on Humanity’s Potential and Overcoming Duality
George Kavassilas Interview – Part 2
20 years ago, George Kavassilas received a diplomatic letter from a Reptilian called Draco Zon who lives in the Inner Earth and is indigenous to our planet. In his letter, which has never been publicly released before, Draco Zon discusses humanity’s incredible...
Who Has Legal Rights to Recovered UFO Tech? – Exopolitics Today Week in Review
Luis Elizondo proposes “the creation of a Senior Advisor to the President for Emerging All-Domain Technologies”
Tim Burchett is aware that Lockheed’s Skunkworks is producing advanced antigravity tech that may be a factor in drone sightings.
Remote Viewing Seeder Extraterrestrials...
Mystery Drones and President Trump Working with the Galactic Federation
George Kavassilas Interview – Part 1
George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee and secret space program participant who explains the four different kinds of craft that make up the mystery drone phenomenon appearing worldwide. He describes the first category as spacecraft belonging to multiple...
Remote Viewing Seeder Extraterrestrials and Mystery Drones
John Vivanco, a professional remote viewer with over 25 years of experience working for corporate and government clients, has received stunning remote viewing data about seeder extraterrestrials appearing in Earth’s ancient history. According to data received via a blind remote viewing study with...
Trump to Reveal the Truth about Drones – Week in Review
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Jan 11, 2025
Orb/Drone sightings continue over military bases including Tennessee.
Dr Steven Greer claims mystery drones flying over the US are from Chinese branch of transnational Deep State entity behind the UFO coverup.
In a Jan 17,...
Trump to Expose Truth about Mystery Drones – Monthly Exopolitics Briefing Tomorrow
President Donald Trump just promised to reveal the truth about mystery drones on his first full day in office on January 21, 2025. According to different sources, the drones span the spectrum from extraterrestrial spacecraft, aerospace corporate vehicles using exotic technologies, military drones...
Unleashing the Energies, Industries & Technologies of Tomorrow
For decades, the Deep State has been suppressing the release of innovative technologies that can revolutionize our planet. The Deep State has implemented a patents system that flags patent applications dealing with free energy, antigravity propulsion, human longevity, age regression, etc., and notifies...
Exotic Technologies, Mystery Drones, and the Incoming Trump Administration
Gene Decode provides an update on exotic technologies and contemporary exopolitical affairs around the planet in response to a series of questions beginning with William Tompkin’s claims that Nautilus class nuclear attack submarines were retrofitted to fly into space. Decode corroborated that converted...
Cigar Ships Are Coming & China Drone Psyop – Monthly Live Briefing
On December 14, 2024, a retired US Army serviceman, JP, was taken to an underground facility in Tampa, Florida, where he was exposed to three cigar-shaped spacecraft that are included among many that are about to be revealed to the general public by ‘White Hats’ in the US military and other national...