Tag: George Kavassilas
With Special Guests: George Kavassilas & Sarah Breskman Cosme
For decades, positive extraterrestrial groups and the Galactic Federation of Worlds have been covertly helping humanity overcome negative alien control of our planet. Their goal is to help us create a Star Trek Future. A vital step...
Diplomatic Letter from an Inner Earth Draco Reptilian on Humanity’s Potential and Overcoming Duality
George Kavassilas Interview – Part 2
20 years ago, George Kavassilas received a diplomatic letter from a Reptilian called Draco Zon who lives in the Inner Earth and is indigenous to our planet. In his letter, which has never been publicly released before, Draco Zon discusses humanity’s incredible...
Who Has Legal Rights to Recovered UFO Tech? – Exopolitics Today Week in Review
Luis Elizondo proposes “the creation of a Senior Advisor to the President for Emerging All-Domain Technologies”
Tim Burchett is aware that Lockheed’s Skunkworks is producing advanced antigravity tech that may be a factor in drone sightings.
Remote Viewing Seeder Extraterrestrials...
Mystery Drones and President Trump Working with the Galactic Federation
George Kavassilas Interview – Part 1
George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee and secret space program participant who explains the four different kinds of craft that make up the mystery drone phenomenon appearing worldwide. He describes the first category as spacecraft belonging to multiple...
3 Days to Return of the Jedi Admirals Webinar
Everything is Changing – Find Out Why!
As our planet tetters on the verge of nuclear war due to Deep State efforts to inflame tensions in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Taiwan, an Alliance of “White Hats” from national militaries and intelligence communities have been working with positive extraterrestrial...
Return of the Jedi Admirals – The US Navy’s Secret Space Program
This is the official trailer to the October 19 webinar titled, “The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and the Return of Jedi Admirals”.
This 5-hour webinar includes: – Presentation by Dr. Michael Salla on the origins & history of the US Navy’s SSP. (2hr) – Panel featuring...
The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and the Return of Jedi Admirals
The US Navy began developing a Secret Space Program in the 1950s with the assistance of human-looking extraterrestrials embedded within top aerospace companies such as Douglas Aircraft, Rockwell, and TRW. After two decades of R & D on antigravity, nuclear fusion, and torsion field propulsion systems,...
Underwater UFO Threat & AI Regulations Vetoed
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Oct 5, 2024
Video of a TR-3B and fleets of UFOs at a skywatching session led by Elena Danaan for the 2024 GSIC conference
Return of the US Navy SSP’s Jedi Admirals and the Universal Space Council: Interview with George Kavassilas
Return of the US Navy SSP’s Jedi Admirals and the Universal Space Council
George Kavassilas claims that he has been contacted by a highly advanced extraterrestrial organization called the “Universal Space Council” that was instrumental in the spiritual and technological transformation of a fleet of three US Navy Secret Space Program vessels that departed in the 1990s for...
Delving into Draconians, Earth Energy Grid, and the Shroud of Turin
Exopolitics Today Week in Review – Aug 24, 2024
Highlights from a New York Times review of Luis Elizondo’s book Imminent
11-page Reference Guide to UAPs (UFOs) published by the Major Cities Chiefs Association which is “a professional organization of police executives representing...
Defeating the Draconian Empire & Cooperating with the Galactic Federation
In 2006, George Kavassilas was taken to the Moon by a negative extraterrestrial faction and was able to break free of the many technologies used by them to control him and confront their leader, a powerful Draconian Reptilian. He was able to defeat the Draconian by connecting with his core soul essence...
US Space Command is the Key to forming an Earth Alliance and UFO Disclosure
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 29, 2024
Joe Rogan discusses UFO researchers claiming the 1947 Roswell crash was a “donation.
Video of Elena Danaan’s abduction by Gray Aliens and rescue by Nordic blondes from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
JP video...