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Author: Dr Michael Salla

Investigating the 1996 Alien Interview Video

Jon Stewart has spent more than 20 years researching the authenticity of a VHS Tape showing an alleged interrogation of a Gray Alien who was captured sometime around 1991. He watched the video soon after its release in 1996 and became intrigued by its realistic depiction of the Gray Alien. Stewart...

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Q & A Webinar Announcement

Space Arks are real and have recently been confirmed by multiple sources which even extend into Mainstream media coverage. People are seeing probes in the skies and military pilots are losing their lives when they get too close. An alien false flag event is on the Deep State’s agenda docket. Continuity...

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Remote Viewing Experiment of Atlantic Space Ark

Last night, I participated in a debriefing with a team of four remote viewers associated with the Cryptoviewing project created by Dick Allgire out of Honolulu, Hawaii. The veteran team had just completed a double-blind remote viewing session of an alphanumeric target which I had specifically chosen....

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