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One Week to Go – Monthly Live Exopolitics Briefing with Dr Michael Salla


Live Monthly Briefing is a new webinar series presented by Dr. Michael Salla on breaking exopolitics and geopolitical news, and a deep dive into topical issues raised in Exopolitics Today interviews from the previous four weeks. All monthly briefings will include a one hour briefing by Dr. Salla and will be followed by a one hour Q & A.

The webinar will be conducted live through Crowdcast. However, registration is through Patreon at the Tier 2 level of $18 per month.* Registration is a two-tiered process requiring the same email for Patreon and Crowdcast accounts to work.

Webinar Date: September 7, 2024

Time: 2 pm US East Coast, 11 am Pacific, 7 pm GMT

Instructions for Attending the Monthly Live Briefing plus Q&A

Please Note: You must have a Crowdcast Account (it’s free) with the same email address as your Patreon account so both platforms can work together.

STEP 1: Sign In to your Crowdcast account or Create a Free Account:



STEP 2: Click Save my spot! and follow the prompts.

You are all set! Just go into your Crowdcast account on September 7th to join in the Webinar.


*Note: For those NOT wishing to join Patreon, the cost is $25 per webinar and needs to be completed via Paypal – click here.

exopolitics, geopolitics, Michael Salla