Book Reviews of Kennedy’s Last Stand now available!
There have been many reasons for the murder of JFK proposed by numerous researchers, however for myself, they didnt make sense. Everything that Kennedy supposedly did to aggravate various groups who likely were complicit in the murder could have easily been undone. Why the extraordinary spectacle of a public execution by multiple shooters? Finally, after 50 years, a book was published that I feel gives the real reason President Kennedy was murdered. The book is called Kennedys Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFKs Assassination. The conclusion is simple: President Kennedy wanted to reveal to the world the existence of extra-terrestrials, their technology and the fact the government had contact with them. The book by Dr. Michael E. Salla provides documentation that it was this quest by President Kennedy that got him murdered.
Georges Spiritual and Paranormal Blog (click here for more)
Michael Sallas books have in common clarity, methodical progression and persuasive argumentation, all intended to convince an uninformed readership of a thesis that is far from easy to accept. His latest work is no exception. In it Salla focuses on one main topic: the alleged connection between the assassination of President John F Kennedy and his documented attempts to gain knowledge about and disclose the extraterrestrial factor responsible for the UFO issue, all against the will of a powerful secret para-governmental Cabal that controlled and still appears to control that elusive area of scientific research and technological development.
Come Carpentier de Gourdon, Convenor of the Editorial Board, World Affairs Journal (
[C]ongratulations to Dr. Michael Salla in moving our knowledge of JFK and his role in the deeper history of our time further along in such a courageous and coherent manner. There are many indications that the CIA has waned in its influence in the last couple of decades, though its power may have been supplanted by units within the nether regions of the Pentagon and/or other agencies, including the Mossad. Nevertheless, Dr. Sallas book Kennedys Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFKs Assassination is a must-read in furthering our understanding of these tremendously important themes and events. The human drama set in motion in Dealey Plaza is far from over.
Richard Cook, author, Return of the Aeons (click here for more)
For an introductory extract from Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination (Exopolitics Institute, 2013. ISBN 978-0982290262 . 256pp) click here.
Now available for purchase from Amazon.com. Click here for autographed copy.