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FBI Special Agent Warns of Alien False Flag Attack

John DeSouza is a retired FBI Special Agent who served for 25 years on Counter-Terrorism and Paranormal cases. He has a law degree and possessed a Top Secret security clearance during his FBI career. Special Agent DeSouza collected true life X-Files that were used in the hit show “The X-Files”....

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Atlantic Space Ark Rescue Mission

In his second mission to a space ark lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, JP (who currently serves with the US Army) describes a multinational rescue mission comprising US, Russian and Chinese soldiers. The mission was sent to rescue Aztec Indians from Mexico...

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The Cabal, Black Magic & Extraterrestrial Life

Exopolitics Today interview featuring Brad Olsen author and publisher of multiple books dealing with the Cabal/Illuminati, black magic, the global control system, & extraterrestrial life. Dr. Michael Salla interviews Brad on how extraterrestrial life and black magic have been integral components...

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Interview on Dark Fleet Exodus from Ceres & Mars

The latest intelligence from the Galactic Federation of Worlds is that the planetoid Ceres, has just been liberated, according to extraterrestrial contactee and former French archeologist, Elena Danaan.  In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena presents the most recent intel she has received from...

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