Tag: inner earth
George Kavassilas Interview – Part 2
20 years ago, George Kavassilas received a diplomatic letter from a Reptilian called Draco Zon who lives in the Inner Earth and is indigenous to our planet. In his letter, which has never been publicly released before, Draco Zon discusses humanity’s incredible...
Now Available – US Army Insider Missions 3
In US Army Insider Missions 3, JP’s extraordinary covert missions as an active Army soldier continue with him returning for a sixth time to a submerged Atlantic Space with human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials carrying a crystal jewel embedded with the Ark’s organic consciousness. The Nordics reveal...
Vatican Suppression of Inner Earth Contact
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – August 3, 2024
Surface humanity openly traded with Inner Earth civilizations for centuries until Vatican ordered all communications to be stopped and underground entrances sealed
Extraterrestrial Contact in Australia: Interview with...
Ancient Gods & ETs Among Us Today – The Exopolitical Implications
Ancient literature from around the world is filled with information about powerful gods living and walking among humanity. Pharaonic Egypt had many temples and pyramids that hold rich evidence about the gods, their extraterrestrial origins, and how they worked with the people of that era as teachers,...
Ancient Alien Experiments & Earth’s Crypto Terrestrials
Earth has hosted many human and non-human civilizations for billions of years. Our current global civilization is just the latest in a series of experiments designed to create a corporeal vessel that can responsibly and compassionately handle next-level soul incarnations. On March 23rd, 2024, Dr....
Two Earths, the Nephilim and Overcoming Alien Manipulation: An Interview with Dr. Brooks Agnew
Dr. Brooks Agnew has traveled the world in search of archeological evidence and records about ancient Earth history that he analyzed in his four-volume book series, The Ark of Millions of Years. He has found that a race of extraterrestrials called the fallen angels in ancient texts, including the...
Nordics & Inner Earthers take control of Space Arks – JP’s 6th Mission to Atlantic Space Ark
On November 28, JP completed his sixth mission to the Atlantic space ark that was moved from the Bermuda Triangle further towards the mid-Atlantic in deeper waters in order to generate greater international cooperation. He says he was taken again by a TR-3B craft to the donut-shaped naval ship that...
JP Update – Mission to Nordic Inner Earth Civilization for Life Extension Technology
On October 6, 2023, JP was part of a team of four soldiers led by a medical officer who traveled to a deep underground civilization located under a major military base. Once at the Inner Earth location, JP described meeting a group of Nordic looking humans who greeted them and gave them access to...
JP Update – Escorting a Nordic VIP on a Triangle-shaped Spacecraft
In his latest mission update, JP explains how he was part of a team sent on an antigravity flying triangle shaped craft to a distant location, probably Asia, to meet with a Nordic extraterrestrial or Inner Earth Being, and bring him to the US. JP describes details of the spacecraft, the mission objective,...
JP Update on Ancient Library at Military Base Revealing History of Arks on Earth
In his latest update, my US Army Insider, JP, was taken inside an underground library in a US military base where he visited a mysterious Aisle 10. It contained ancient Sumerian records about how large Space Arks operate and their use of probes to gather intelligence on the level of civilization development...
7 Days to Halls of Records, Portals, the Inner Earth & our ET Heritage Webinar
The Storm is upon us. The Deep State is playing its big cards in a final desperate gamble to distract people from the incredible future awaiting us. Food shortages, soaring gas and energy prices, baby food disappearing from shopping shelves, waves of new refugees/illegal immigrants, a new crisis in...
Imminent Disclosure of Halls of Records and Space Time Portals
This is the official trailer/short film for the “Halls of Records, Portals, Inner Earth & our ET Heritage” webinar to be held on May 21, 2022. Covers history of Halls of Records & Space Time Portals, the main human organization responsible for covering these up throughout history,...