Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – April 6, 2024
NASA’s Sungrazer Project just discovered its 5,000th comet
Major elements of Corey Goode lawsuits have been dismissed by a Colorado judge.
JP Update #31 – Ant People Move to New Realm after Ant King Transitions...
Award-winning filmmaker on a Quest to Prepare Humanity for ET Contact
Craig Campobasso is an award-winning filmmaker and casting director who has had multiple experiences with extraterrestrials who have encouraged him to write books and make films preparing humanity for full disclosure. He has worked with famous Hollywood producers such as Dino De Laurentis and David...
JP Update #32 – Ant People Move to New Realm after Ant King Transitions & Sleeping Giant Awakens
JP conducted another covert mission to an underground colony of Ant People where he had previously met its King and saw human refugees whose ancestors had been given sanctuary centuries earlier. JP says that his latest mission was to discover what had happened to the Ant People who had disappeared,...
The Solar Eclipse and Planetary Ascension, Plus Winston’s Churchill’s UFO Coverup
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 30, 2024
German Operation Paperclip Scientist says Washington DC UFO flyovers were non-human craft
Part 2 of ET Seeders, Space Arks and Great Reveal Webinar
April 8 Solar Eclipse passes over towns with biblical significance
Contact with Tall Blonde Alien Founders, Space Ark Rescues & the End Times
In 1988, Miriam Delicado had a contact experience with Tall Blonde extraterrestrials who told her they were involved in the creation of humanity and rescuing large numbers of humans at the end of different historical ages. She described the ends of the First, Second and Third Worlds where human civilizations...
ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal Webinar – Part 2
On April 9, 2022 Dr. Michael Salla presented his ground breaking research in a 2 hr webinar titled ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal. Today this information stands as an important resource of uncensored disclosure in the exopolitical and more importantly, Humanity’s Global Awakening. We...
Pentagon Tries to Hoodwink Congress over UFO Whistleblowers Plus, the Shocking Execution of an Extraterrestrial Contactee
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 23, 2024
The Pentagon/AARO office and the US Congress/ODNI have starkly contrasting positions between on UFO whistleblower testimonies
Remote Viewing of German mystic Maria Orsic reveals her execution by the Soviet military at...
WHY Crypto Terrestrials Matter Today: One Day to Webinar
Much recent attention has been placed on the UFO phenomenon as a possible national security threat by public officials and prominent scientists. This attention has led to the US Congress and other national legislatures investigating the possibility that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth in advanced...
RETRIEVED Alien Spacecraft have been Reverse Engineered despite claims to the Contrary
Dan Willis presents a historic overview of UFO related events, whistleblowers and witnesses supporting the view that retrieved alien spacecraft have been successfully reverse engineered for decades by different governments starting with Germany in the run up to World War II. This view is contrary...
ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal Webinar – Part 1
On April 9, 2022 Dr. Michael Salla presented his ground breaking research in a 2 hr webinar titled ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal. Today this information stands as an important resource of uncensored disclosure in the exopolitical and more importantly, Humanity’s Global Awakening....
NASA Funding Cut as Corporations Dominate Space Missions
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 16, 2024
US Congress cuts funding to NASA while corporations are funding more space missions.
Detailed breakdown of UAP historical report cites glaring deficiencies
Article proclaims Pentagon is heading for disaster due to AARO...
IKE’S role in agreements reached with Aliens Revealed by Great Granddaughter in New Book
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is the Great Granddaughter of President Dwight ‘Ike’ Eisenhower, and in her first book, Awakening the Truth Frequency, she sets out to clarify the role he played in secret agreements reached with a breakaway Nazi colony in Antarctica and later agreements with extraterrestrials....