ET & SSP Disclosure is Unfolding Slowly Due to Deep State Machinations
In this in-person sit-down interview held near Valence, France on July 8, Elena Danaan discusses recent updates she has received concerning the disclosure of the Solar Warden space program, the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the release of advanced technologies such as medbeds. She says that the pace and extent of disclosure is currently affected by Deep State plans to subvert any disclosure plan to prolong their hold on power.
Danaan explains how any attempted disclosure of extraterrestrials or crypoterrestrials would be twisted by the Deep State into a false flag operation promoting fear and confusion rather than hope and a Star Trek future. In addition, she discusses how highly evolved galactic beings perceive consciousness and the fractal nature of reality.
Watch on YouTube, Rumble, & Odysee
Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google
Elena Danaan’s website is ElenaDanaan.org
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Next Webinar
catastrophic disclosure, Elena Danaan, Medbeds, Solar Warden