What does Mars Rover, Nazca Mummies, Cloned Children, Jimmy Kimmel & Kamala Harris have in common?
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – July 27, 2024
- NASA’s Mars rover missions are currently searching for evidence of ancient microbial life, and scientists are excited that the Perserverence Rover may have found signs of such life
- Forensic analysis shows that Maria, one of the Nazca mummies, is at least 1000 years old and is part of Earth’s genetic family tree.
- Liberation Times published an excellent article about key political figures in the US and where they stand on the UFO issue.
- Secret Remote Viewing Program Used Cloned Children to Enhance Pyschoenergetic Abilities: Interview with Tony Rodrigues:
- This interview with Jimmy Kimmel shows Kamela Harris doesn’t have the intellectual curiosity in UFOs to say anything more than she is interested.
- Interview with David Adair about his inventions and upcoming presentation at the Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection
- China’s plan to expand its International Lunar Research Station Initiative to 50 countries, ensures the emergence of rival space blocs that will contest outer space for decades to come.
- The Ukrainian Army’s beachhead in the town of Krynky fails to secure access to buried space ark.
- Would Elon Musk would be so eager to mass produce humanoid robots if he knew how AI life forms are regarded by extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy?
- Deep State Plans to Use Bioengineered Clone Armies in False Flag Attacks:
- Roundtable on Space Arks, Sleeping Giants, ET Assimilation, and Mysteries of Saturn
- US Border Patrol agent confirms how the Biden Administration has been flooding the US with illegal immigrants.
- Translation of US Army Insider Missions into Portuguese
- Interview with JP on a Popular Brazilian Podcast
- Today Webinar: Faking a Cryptoterrestrial Invasion
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Previous Exopolitics Today – Week in Review Episodes
- Tachyon Time Travel, Bermuda Triangle, Space Force & Dodging Bullets
- Nazca Mummies, Ancient Sites, Ultraterrestrials and the Urantia Book – July 13
- China led Space Bloc, Life on Europa & Galactic History – Week in Review July 6
- US Space Command is the Key to forming an Earth Alliance and UFO Disclosure
- Contriving a Cryptoterrestrial Threat – Exopolitics Today Week In Review – Anniversary Edition
- Remote Viewing CERN, ET Civilizations on Earth, Quantum Vacuum Energy and the Great Awakening
- Children with abilities, CIA-run Black Budgets, Ancient Gods and the Multiverse – Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 8, 2024

clones, David Adair, Elon Musk, Mars, NASA, Nazca Mummies, Perserverence Rover, remote viewing, Tony Rodrigues