In 2004, during his seven years of service with the US Navy that began in 1999, Daryl James was stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St Mawgan in Cornwall, England, where he was recruited into a “20 and back” program with the Solar Warden Space Program. James recalls how his IQ was measured to...
JP Update 36 – Stargate for Huge SSP craft witnessed at a US Military Base Hangar
In his latest update, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, says that he was part of a small contingent of three soldiers ordered to take military equipment to a hangar at a major military base. He says that after passing through strict security at the hangar, similar to conventional airport...
Testing for a Covert Space Mission to Saturn – JP Update #35
On July 4, JP was sent to a medical facility at a military base where he currently serves along with three other soldiers who had picked him up at a pre-arranged location. The soldiers were veterans of covert space missions and were dismissive of JP who they didn’t know as he hadn’t competed the same...
Discovered Lost Tapes Confirm ET Contact and SSP claims by French Experiencer
In 1988/1989, when only 18 years old, Jean Charles Moyen recorded an audio file of his experiences as a “starseed” who had incarnated on Earth with powerful psychic abilities and frequent contact experiences with his extraterrestrial “family”. He described some of his telekinetic and teleportation...
Uncovering Ancient Atlantean Ruins: Exploring Evolutionary Pathways and Psychic Phenomenon
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 11, 2024
Detailed information on ancient Atlantean ruins and technologies in Dark Journalist episode: “Hacking Atlantis: The Craze In The HotZone!
Two eyewitness accounts of Aliens Attacking Secret Space Program supersoldiers
Pilot Flying Saucer Training, Prophecy & War, Plus FBI files on ET Babies
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 4, 2024
Nicaragua becomes the 10th country to join China’s International Research Station initiative
JP Update 33 – Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers
History of Inner Earth civilizations and...
JP Update 33 – Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers
On April 15, 2024, JP traveled to an underground spaceport somewhere in Alabama that appeared very similar or the same as one he visited in May 2023. He again saw fleets of saucer shaped spacecraft being piloted by human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials that were identical to ones he witnessed and...
Russia’s Secret Space Program: Its Enigmatic Psi-Corps & Non-Human Connection
During WWII, the Soviet Union learned of the great advances made by Nazi Germany in developing powerful aerospace technologies with the help of extraterrestrials, and how German nationalists and secret societies established a breakaway colony in Antarctica. The Soviets also learned that the Germans...
Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances
On May 4th Dr. Michael Salla will be hosting another mind expanding webinar. this one is on Russia’s secret space program, elusive psi-corps and ET Alliances. This is a short trailer to introduce you to the origins, history, and capabilities of Russia’s SSP and what it means today for coming...
The Solar Eclipse and Planetary Ascension, Plus Winston’s Churchill’s UFO Coverup
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 30, 2024
German Operation Paperclip Scientist says Washington DC UFO flyovers were non-human craft
Part 2 of ET Seeders, Space Arks and Great Reveal Webinar
April 8 Solar Eclipse passes over towns with biblical significance
The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets
According to John Warner IV, the US military-industrial complex has for decades hidden the truth about encounters with extraterrestrial life and technology, and the existence of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that survived the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945. Advanced technologies acquired...
The Alien Love Bite – How ETs Manipulate Human Relationships in Abduction Programs
Eve Lorgen has been assisting hundreds of alien abductees heal trauma and recover memories since 1992 when she completed a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. She first became interested in extraterrestrial encounters as a child when she had her own abduction experience. Lorgen has learned...