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3 Days to Return of the Jedi Admirals Webinar

Everything is Changing – Find Out Why!

As our planet tetters on the verge of nuclear war due to Deep State efforts to inflame tensions in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Taiwan, an Alliance of “White Hats” from national militaries and intelligence communities have been working with positive extraterrestrial groups such as the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) to liberate the Earth from negative extraterrestrial and Deep State control. As allies, the US Navy SSP has agreed in future to join the GFW’s efforts to fight Draco Reptilians and other destructive ETs in a greater ongoing galactic-level war. However, an unprecedented event has occurred offering a new path forward for humanity.

In the 1990s, the US Navy sent off a small fleet of three large spacecraft led by admirals whose mission was to make peaceful contact with highly evolved extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy The ethical goal of their mission led to the fleet meeting ET civilizations more advanced than ever encountered before, and the Admirals and crew were transformed by their experiences.

Now, the Admirals are back and have brought with them our Star Families who not only work directly with galactic intelligence, but who also recognize the unique role the Earth and her inhabitants are playing for the entire universe. Their living technologies far exceed those possessed by any of the negative ET groups or our current allies. They have come to assist us and our planet to fulfill our intended potential, away from a path back into endless war and conflict.

I first heard about the US Navy working with extraterrestrial civilizations outside of our solar system from William Tompkins, who encountered Nordic ETs that had infiltrated top aerospace companies such as Douglas Aircraft in the 1950s where Tompkins worked. Tompkins says that the Nordics needed allies in their galactic-wide conflict with the Draco Reptilians and secretly assisted the US Navy in building eight space carrier battle groups that would come to be known as Solar Warden.

Tompkins said that an additional 12 battle groups were being built in select Nordic spaceports outside of our solar system. Therefore, it is not a great surprise to me to learn that Navy admirals who have been working with the Nordics and left our solar system decades ago have returned to Earth with technologies superior to what is currently being used in our solar system by the rest of the Solar Warden battle fleets.

The returning admirals and their staffs are like Jedi Knights, according to Australian contactee and former secret space program participant, George Kavassilas, who claims to have been contacted by the returning admirals. In fact, Kavassilas says that the returning Navy group has recruited him to join their efforts.

When I asked Alex Collier, an Andromedan contactee, whether Kavassilas’ claims could be true, he surprised me by verifying that a positive faction of the US Navy has indeed recently returned, and they are helping the Earth Alliance in its battle against the Deep State and the remaining vestiges of Draco-Orion influence in our solar system.

In addition, JP, who recently retired from the US Army, has been on missions with the US Navy’s SSP, and is aware of several ongoing covert operations in deep space that aim to transform our planet for the better.

Due to these surprising developments, I decided it is important to revisit the history and operations of the US Navy’s Solar Warden program and what is happening today in deep space with the alleged return of the Jedi Admirals. Consequently, in this webinar I will give a two-hour presentation on the US Navy’s secret space program, followed by a two-hour panel featuring Alex Collier, George Kavassilas, and JP. Finally, there will be a 45-minute Q&A.  

I hope you can join me and a stellar panel of informed contactees and insiders who can cast light on what the US Navy is doing today in deep space and how this is helping transform our planet. 

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Webinar Date: October 19, 2024 at 3 pm EDT/ 12 noon PDT

Cost $55*

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Alex Collier, extraterrestrial life, George Kavassilas, Jedi Admirals, US Navy