Man in the High Castle is Soft Disclosure of Temporal War Revealed in Cosmic Secret
I just finished watching the final season of Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle and was stunned to see how it increasingly focused on the idea of a temporal war, which has been the subject of two of my recent articles on the QAnon movement and the Deep State. The fourth season’s release on November 15 was followed four days later by the release of The Cosmic Secret where interviewees discuss the temporal war idea, and further reveal the long history of extraterrestrial colonization of Earth, and the secret space programs currently underway.
In the Amazon series, an adaptation of Philip K Dick’s 1962 short story of the same name, we witness a dystopian parallel reality where Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan won World War II and occupied the United States dividing it into three zones. The largest is a Nazi-occupied zone on the East Coast, the next largest is a Japanese occupied West coast, and the smallest zone is a buffer area between them called the neutral zone which is dominated by members of a resistance movement.
In the first three seasons, the plot revolves around a mysterious set of film reels showing our time-line (reality) where Nazi Germany and Japan are defeated. The contraband films give Americans in the dystopian parallel reality hope as they witness their oppressors losing the war and being tried for their crimes.
The American resistance movement spends much time duplicating and distributing the films in the first three seasons, and are predictably hunted down and killed for their efforts. At the end of season three, the plot evolves to where the Nazis have now developed a portal travel (aka time travel) machine which they plan to use to send temporal agents into our timeline to first spy and then change it.
The portal/time travel machine is located at a powerful geomagnetic anomaly located in an old mine tunnel in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, and we witness prisoners dying horribly in the initial experiments, which echoes what happened in the Montauk Project from 1970 to 1983.
In the final season, the Nazi temporal agents begin infiltrating and disrupting major events in our reality such as US missile launches and the space program. The series also alludes to President Kennedy’s assassination being part of this temporal war.
There are several protagonists in the series who are able to move between the two realities through spontaneous shifts in consciousness. As they hop between different realities/timelines they witness our reality and return to the dystopian reality to reveal what they saw and try to influence events in a positive direction.
The Man in the High Castle is a very popular drama series whose pilot episode set Amazon viewing records. Most importantly, the series appears to be a soft disclosure of a temporal war that is happening right now. In parts one and two in this article series, I covered the portal/time travel technology respectively used by the Deep State and US military intelligence/Q in a temporal war.
The idea of Nazi temporal agents coming into our reality to spy and change it is countered by people in the dystopian reality being able to visit our reality through spontaneous consciousness shifts, and thereby offsetting the efforts of the Nazi temporal agents.
In the final episodes of the series the Japanese occupation of the Pacific states eventually fail, and the Nazi effort to take over the Pacific states collapses after the defection of high-level US military officials.
The final scenes show how the Nazi temporal war is over and thousands of temporal refugees start pouring through the Nazi portal to a new life on Earth. The key question that arises is whether the series is based on facts – is a parallel Nazi civilization trying to change our timeline?
In the series, the Nazis are depicted as occupying a dystopian parallel reality using a portal to effect changes in other timelines. In our reality, however, as I have shown in Antarctica’s Hidden History, a group of German nationalists and Nazis established a breakaway colony in Antarctica during World War II. This colony has significantly expanded with bases on the Moon and Mars and exerts a powerful influence even beyond our solar system, as explained in part two of my temporal war article series. Put simply, (Nazi) German agents are trying to change our timeline from their secret bases in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars.
Key temporal war issues and the reality of the breakaway German colony are tackled in The Cosmic Secret which features a number of experts casting light on these deeply guarded cosmic secrets that reveal important aspects of our planet’s history.
The destruction of Maldek in the asteroid belt, the Martian refugee exodus to Earth, the moon as an artificial planetoid that was a staging post for extraterrestrial refugees, the establishment of an extraterrestrial colony in Antarctica that became Atlantis, inner Earth Civilizations, the role of Nazi Germany in establishing modern secret space programs, pole shifts, micronova, all these and many other issues are discussed.
The Cosmic Secret provides a rich source of information about our planet’s true galactic history, when different extraterrestrial colonists have arrived here, and how a temporal war is currently underway that can fundamentally alter our collective destiny.
Awareness of the main issues in this ancient cosmic drama and temporal war is critical for our emancipation as a species. Man in the High Castle is soft disclosure of the temporal war underway, and The Cosmic Secret provides the expert testimonies for understanding the full context of this temporal war, and the different groups that are battling behind the scenes over humanity’s past and future.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
[Note: The Man in the High Castle and The Cosmic Secret are both available on Amazon Prime]
Further Reading
- The QAnon Deep State Temporal War & its Galactic Implications
- Project Looking Glass – The Q Anon & Deep State Temporal War
- Historic interview reveals national security secrets learned from extraterrestrials
- QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat
- Vice News claims UFO & QAnon Connection is Disinformation
- Alleged Time Traveler Runs for U.S. President: Real Deal or CIA PsyOp?
Cosmic Secret, Man in High Castle, Philip Dick, Temporal War, time travel