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Faking a Cryptoterrestrial Invasion – New Webinar!

In a recent academic paper, Harvard University professors proposed the existence of cryptoterrestrials as a valid explanation for the origin of the UFO phenomenon. Rather than extraterrestrials arriving from distant exoplanets on superluminal spacecraft, the explanation for UFOs now shifts to cryptoterrestrials who are living under Earth’s surface and oceans. The authors speculate that cryptoterrestrials are survivors from very ancient civilizations that achieved a high-level of technological sophistication, before disappearing under the Earth’s surface during cataclysmic surface events.

There is abundant historical evidence pointing to the existence of crypoterrestrials and their interaction with surface humanity during cataclysmic events. Hopi legends tell of an underground race of Ant People helping native Americans to escape the transition and travel into different worlds, while similar accounts are found in various cultures. However, in the modern era, the emphasis has shifted to UAPs as an unknown national security threat. The US Congress, the military/intelligence community, and an increasing number of world officials go to great lengths to justify their interest in UAPs as an important national security concern, thereby avoiding the stigma from decades of earlier public ridicule over the topic.

Why the sudden shift in narrative to UFOs are a national security threat, and cryptoterrestrials are behind it? Why has the US Congress taken steps to reintroduce the military draft for men and women between the ages of18-26?

In his next webinar, Dr. Michael Salla presents a disturbing picture of how the Deep State is preparing a false flag alien event, not using extraterrestrials from distant worlds, but cryptoterrestrials from beneath Earth’s surface as the culprit. Most alarmingly, he will provide extensive data on the many thousands, if not millions, of cloned alien life forms already created in Deep Underground Military Bases which are likely to be used in staging a false flag cryptoterrestrial event.

Date: July 27, 2024

Time: 11 am (PDT), 2 pm (EDT), 6 pm (GMT)

Length: 2.5 hours (includes 30 min Q&A)

Cost: $35*


Watch Webinar Trailer

Watch Dr. Salla’s Interview on Redacted about a Fake Cryptoterrestrial Invasion

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cryptoterrestrials, DUMBs, fake alien invasion, UFOs