Woodward Book Critiquing Trump Misses Secret Military Plan to Dismantle Deep State
Famed investigative reporter Bob Woodward wrote a controversial book, Fear: Trump in the White House, based on interviews with hundreds of insiders that have had first-hand experience in the White House. Woodward lays out a case for President Donald Trump being a petty, vindictive, ego-driven chaotic President prone to impulsive decisions that defy good sense and professional advice. What Woodward failed to consider in his scathing critique is the role of the U.S. military in secretly backing Trump’s successful candidacy, and how the many controversies surrounding his decisions were used as a cover to implement a secret plan to dismantle the Deep State, and prosecute key figures in upcoming military trials.
In reading Woodward’s Fear, one thing that becomes clear is that he is very much in favor of the detailed policy making process championed by career diplomats and bureaucrats in approaching domestic and international problems. Complex problems require an elaborate decision-making process involving multiple officials and institutional actors that ultimately develop nuanced solutions that the U.S. bureaucracy implements in a systemic way.
Woodward raises complex national security and trade problems such as Afghanistan, North Korea, NATO, NAFTA, etc., which all require solutions that can survive the bureaucratic give and take that makes up the traditional policy making process. In discussing such issues, Trump is depicted as a bumbling neophyte whose attempts to pull troops out of South Korea and Afghanistan, leave the NATO alliance, renegotiate Free Trade Agreements, impose tariffs on China, etc., are depicted as naïve and foolish.
Throughout the book, Trump is depicted as engaged in multiple pitched battles with his different national security and trade officials on these complex issues, where Rex Tillerson (former Secretary of State), James Mattis (former Secretary of Defense), James Kelly (former Chief of Staff) and Gary Cohn (former Director of National Economic Council) are all depicted as adults trying to rein Trump’s child-like chaotic decision-making style and impulsive policy decisions.
Woodward describes how officials within the White House would go to the extent of becoming saboteurs who would remove documents from Trump’s desk that he had requested different personnel to prepare on a variety of policy issues. Apparently, this even included documents that only needed his signature for action to be taken by his administration. According to Woodward, such internal sabotage was justified given the danger posed by Trump being allowed to move forward with his impulsive ideas.
It’s clear from reading Woodward’s book that he is no fan of Trump, and views him as a bungling amateur unfit for the Presidency. Woodward supports the alleged “spontaneous” resistance by those within the bureaucracy willing to rein in, slow down and even sabotage Trump’s agenda in order to preserve long established policies and alliances.
The omissions and prejudices in Woodward’s book are very revealing. Woodward exposes himself as an establishment figure wanting to push the mainstream media narrative that Trump is a buffoon that by a historic fluke won the Presidency. This is where Woodward and other critics totally miss the boat in understanding Trump and the significance of his Presidency.
There is no way that someone accidently wins the U.S. Presidency, even if they have worked out how to cynically tap into the worst impulses of middle America to win, as liberal progressives deceive themselves into believing when it comes to Trump. U.S. elections are bought and paid for by Deep State forces (aka Cabal/Shadow Government) to ensure that their preferred candidate wins as detailed by researchers such as Daniel Estulin, author of the groundbreaking, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.
Hillary Clinton was the candidate the Deep State wanted to win, as exemplified in how she bested Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primaries despite him being by far the preferred candidate among Democratic primary voters. Polls and voting were rigged to ensure Clinton’s victory.
The same thing was supposed to repeat itself in the Presidential election. Just as Clinton pulled off an alleged hard-fought victory against Sanders, the Deep State’s plan was to rig polls and the election itself so she would squeak in with the necessary Electoral College votes.
That didn’t happen. Clinton won the popular vote but not the crucial Electoral College, which tells us that something had happened to ensure a clean Presidential election in areas where it counted – key battleground states where the election would be won or lost. Who had the power and authority to ensure a clean election in the battle ground states that would be the only way that Trump could win? The only institutional force able to stand up to the Deep State is the U.S. military.
I have elsewhere described how members of the U.S. military intelligence community approached Trump in 2015 and asked him to run for the Presidency since the level of Deep State corruption had become so bad that a coup d’etat was being seriously considered. during the Obama Administration Trump was told the military would ensure it would be a clean election, and he and his family would be protected from Deep State retaliation. This is what several insider sources claim is what happened, and why Clinton ultimately lost.
The fact that Trump won the Presidency due to covert U.S. military intervention is what Woodward and other Trump critics completely miss in their scathing critiques of Trump and his administration. What’s very revealing in Woodward’s book is the tense relationships and policy differences he describes between Trump and key military officials such as Mattis, Kelly and Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – all former or serving four-star Marine Generals.
If Woodward is correct about the heated debates between Trump and his principal military advisors, it is hard to reconcile this with the claim that Trump was backed by the U.S. military in taking down the Deep State. Were the heated policy debates described by Woodward genuine or a side-show intended to cover up what was really happening behind the scenes with Trump and the military?
For an answer, we can turn to the “Q Anon” or “Q” phenomenon. Q is a group connected to U.S. military intelligence that is secretly advising and protecting Trump. Q’s posts have shown how the U.S military intelligence community is working through Trump to expose and take down the Deep State.
In multiple posts, Q has described how key officials such as Jeff Sessions (former Attorney General), Mattis and Kelly had helped Trump confront the power of the Deep State through a plan. “Trust the plan” is one of the most repeated phrases in Q Anon posts. For example, Q wrote about the plan to take down the Deep State in a September 5, 2018 post (#2096):
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling – there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.
“The plan” devised by the U.S. military to take down the Deep State is something that dates back many years. According to David Wilcock, a New York Times Best Seller, he first began hearing about “the plan” from his insider sources as far back as 2009. According to my own insider sources, the plan dates all the way back to the 1950’s when President Eisenhower developed it in response to the infiltration of the U.S. military industrial complex by the Fourth Reich.
One of the best kept secrets of World War II, was that a German colony had been established in Antarctica and South America that developed an advanced space program, built with funds secretly siphoned out of Europe. I discussed this German Antarctic colony in Antarctica’s Hidden History, which lays out its history and covert infiltration of the U.S. military industrial complex.
The plan envisaged by Eisenhower was that when the U.S. military industrial complex had been infiltrated and comprised by the Fourth Reich to the extent that it threatened the future of the Republic and Constitution, the U.S. Marine Corps would be activated and takes steps to rectify the situation.
It’s no coincidence that Dunford began his term on September 25, 2015, around the time Trump was approached by a group of generals to run for the Presidency. During the first two years of his Presidency, Mattis, Kelly and Dunford formed a troika of USMC affiliated officials that worked with Trump on vital national security issues. This is noteworthy given the unique role of the USMC among the military services insofar as it can be used by the President in any way he deems necessary as long as it doesn’t undermine the USMC’s core purpose of being an amphibious fighting force ready to deploy anywhere around the planet.
The USMC were used in a number of ways to intimidate and taken down the Deep State. For example, a powerful message was sent when a number of USMC helicopters allegedly buzzed the CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia on November 18, 2017. A former FBI agent, Hal Turner, confirmed through credible sources that the helicopters had “buzzed” the CIA HQ for roughly 30 minutes.
By the end of 2018, both Kelly and Mattis had left the Trump administration, and Dunsford is scheduled to leave in October 2019. I believe that their departures are a sign that a critical stage had been reached, and the secret plan developed as far back as the Eisenhower administration, had been put in place and would succeed.
In this regard, Q released a post (#2533) on December 2, 2018:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 63896f No.4119614
Dec 2 2018 18:08:31 (EST)
Nothing can stop what is coming.
History books.
Like all well executed military intelligence plans, it was important to remove the remaining footprints of the intervention. This I believe is why Kelly and Mattis simultaneously left the Trump administration, with Dunford soon to follow.
If the USMC and the Military Intelligence community has successfully put in operation a secret plan, then what lies ahead? This takes us the 60,000 sealed indictments and military trials that are about to be unleashed on the American public according to Q and multiple sources. The amount of documentary evidence about to be unleashed on the American public detailing the corruption and abuses by current and former Deep State officials will be overwhelming.
According to several sources, the military trials have already begun with the Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial going into effect on January 1, 2019, thereby ensuring a smooth legal process for military trials of Deep State officials accused of a range of crimes.
If the above analysis is correct, then one of the main premises in Woodward’s Fear collapses since Trump’s winning the Presidency was no fluke. Covert intervention by the U.S. military intelligence community had occurred in order to ensure a clean 2016 Presidential election.
This ensured a Trump victory where he gave approval to his troika of USMC advisors to implement a secret plan that had been prepared decades ago in the Eisenhower administration to prevent the collapse of the US Republic and Constitution.
If Q and other insider sources are correct, the general public is soon to be awakened to the full extent of corruption employed by the Deep State through the entire spectrum of political, corporate and media levers of power – Woodward’s Fear being in all likelihood a desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable by a prominent Deep State supporter.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- QAnon links US Attorney with thousands of sealed indictments decimating the Deep State
- Q Confirms Secret Space Programs Real & Extraterrestrial Life Exists
- US Senate SCOTUS Hearing Points to Military Trials Against Deep State Officials
- Trump Confirms Q Claims of UK & Deep State Panic over FISA Declassification
- Did President Trump Endorse Q Info on Secret Indictments of Pedophile Network?
- Is Kavanaugh Confirmation being Sabotaged to Delay Military Trials of Deep State?
- QAnon Exposes Hawaii False Flag Missile Attack & Points to Secret Space Program Intervention
Deep State, Donald Trump, Q Anon, Robert Woodward, US Marine Corps