General Flynn Pardoned – Warrior Joins Patriots in Coming Revolution
On November 25, President Donald Trump issued a full pardon to Lt Gen Michael Flynn that frees him from a politically driven criminal prosecution. The restoration of his security clearances, which had been withdrawn back in Feb 2017 at the start of the prosecution, will allow him to resume working with the Trump administration. Flynn’s knowledge acquired during his tenure as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency will be instrumental in major disclosure initiatives and the revolution that lies ahead.
Trump Tweet Pardoning Flynn: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1331706255212228608?s=20
Reinstatement of Flynn security clearance: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/with-case-dropped-michael-flynn-could-get-security-clearance-back
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Defense Intelligence Agency, Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, Security Clearance