Is the Coronavirus linked to China’s Rollout of 5G and Biowarfare?
The undisputed global leader in the development and deployment of 5G is China where there are no regulatory obstacles to telecommunications companies installing the necessary infrastructure despite safety concerns raised by health professionals in thousands of scientific studies around the world. It, therefore, may come as a surprise to learn that the urban testing ground for the first full-scale deployment of a 5G network was the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the Coronavirus (aka CoVID 19). Is this mere coincidence or is there a link?
On April 6, 2018, an official statement on the website of the Chinese province of Hubei announced that the city of Wuhan, with approximately 11 million residents, would be the pilot city for the deployment of 5G:
A large scale 5G network engineering program will be piloted in Wuhan to accelerate the deployment of this new technology and to hopefully upgrade the IT industry, as was reported at the conference on 5G networks planning and engineering in early April.
Now that Wuhan as a pilot city to build 5G telecoms has been approved by the central government, 3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations will soon be constructed.
By the end of 2018, the trial use of the technology will start in various pilot areas; it is expected to be accessible to users at the Military World Games in 2019.
By 2020, 5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.
Whereas the current 4G telecommunications network used in major cities worldwide involve the transfer of data at significantly faster speeds than was possible in earlier 3G networks, 5G is called the “internet of things” that includes “products, from smart refrigerators to traffic lights to dog collars, that will be sending and receiving data.”
To this “internet of things” we can add drones, driverless cars, and “people” themselves. For example, facial recognition cameras allow a 5G network to track people’s movement and behavior in ways that make the development of a “social credit system” and “total surveillance state” possible.
China’s rollout of 5G coincides with the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its increasing use in tracking, transfer, and control of the “internet of things”. According to Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, author of AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order, China’s use of facial recognition for monitoring its massive population of 1.4 billion people will give it a major strategic advantage over the US in developing AI.
It’s therefore not accidental that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is leading the charge in the development and roll out of 5G at a breakneck speed since CCP leaders believe 5G will provide the platform for the necessary tools for managing China’s vast population. Furthermore, combining 5G and AI gives China an asymmetric advantage over competitors such as the US when it comes to national security issues and the race to dominate space, which is the new strategic high ground in a potential future war.
It’s important to emphasize that the roll out of 5G is proceeding in China and other countries without regard to the multiple scientific studies linking cell phones, cell towers and accompanying infrastructure to multiple health concerns:
More than 230 scientists from 41 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices already before the additional 5G roll-out. They refer to the fact that ”numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.
Despite dire warnings from health professionals, the telecommunications industry has successfully lobbied government regulatory bodies such as the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to proceed with installing the technical infrastructure for the successive rollouts of the initial generations of wireless communications by citing conflicting scientific studies.
The same process is repeating itself with the roll out of 5G, which is being done without the telecommunications industry conducting any health studies on how cell phones and towers using 5G will impact the human body and DNA. Indeed, the core debate over the roll out of 5G doesn’t involve concerns over its health implications given what medical studies have clearly shown with earlier generations, but national security concerns of how to respond to China’s dominance of 5G.
This is exemplified in influential figures such as Brigadier General Robert Spalding, author of Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept, and a former advisor to President Trump’s National Security Council, who has framed the entire debate over 5G as a core national security concern. In a memorandum that was distributed to members of Trump’s national security council, Spalding wrote:
Whoever leads in technology and market share for 5G deployment will have a tremendous advantage towards ushering in the Massive Internet of Things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and thus the commanding heights of the information domain.
Spalding and others point out that Chinese telecommunications companies such as Huawei is compelled by domestic law to provide backdoors into its technical infrastructure that will allow China’s intelligence services to conduct espionage, just as the National Security Agency used backdoors in US communications infrastructure to spy on officials from friendly governments.
In this way, China will dominate the “commanding heights of the information domain”, something that the US is determined to prevent by also moving forward with implementing its own 5G network as quickly as possible.
Like China, the US is moving forward with plans to implement 5G despite the lack of health studies on the effects of 5G since national security strategists don’t want China to dominate the information domain. Earlier studies on 3G and 4G clearly point out that the higher concentration of transmitter stations in a dense urban area is likely to dramatically increase the health impact.
We know from the official announcement by the Hubei provincial government that Wuhan would be the pilot city for the 5G rollout beginning in 2019. According to a report by the official government news site Xinhua: “China Mobile Hubei Branch has activated 1,580 5G base stations in the city as of mid-October, achieving the 5G coverage of universities, transportation hubs, and other densely populated areas, according to the branch.”
The Xinhua story confirms that by the time the Coronavirus emerged in December 2019, residents of Wuhan were already being saturated by the increased Radio Frequency (RF) radiation transmitted by 1,580 5G (macro) base stations that would increase to 3,000 sometime in 2020.
This leads to the key question of whether the increased RF radiation absorbed by residents in Wuhan as part of the 5G pilot city rollout made them especially susceptible to the Coronavirus, and to killer viruses more generally. This, in turn, raises an even more troubling question, was the release of the Coronavirus part of a biological weapons test that was directly linked to the roll out 5G? In other words, was some unknown group wanting to test how a population weakened by 5G RF radiation would respond to a biologically engineered weapon?
There are a number of theories about the Coronavirus being a biological weapon rather than a naturally occurring virus found in bats sold at an exotic food market in Wuhan. The most popular is that it was bio-engineered in a biological research laboratory located in Wuhan and accidentally leaked as proposed by two Chinese bio-medical researchers:
In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety level may need to be reinforced in high risk biohazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.
A second theory is that the Coronvirus was a biological weapon released into China by the US as proposed by some Russian sources:
Zvezda, a news outlet funded by the Russian Defense Ministry, published an article late last month titled “Coronavirus: American biological warfare against Russia and China.” The author begins by establishing alleged intent: the virus dealt a blow to the Chinese economy, which weakens Beijing’s negotiating hand in the next round of trade talks to follow the recent signing of the phase one deal between Washington and Beijing.
A third theory comes from Robert David Steele and Benjamin Fulford, who both assert that Coronavirus represents a Deep State/Mossad orchestrated “false flag” attack aimed at starting a war between China and the US. Thankfully, the false flag attack has failed according to Steele:
I believe that the personal trust between General Secretary Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump is strong, and the idea that the US would undertake such an attack as a matter of policy has been discounted in China. Of course there are rogue elements in our Department of Defense (DoD) and in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) known to collaborate with the Mossad in pedophilia entrapment operations, drug running, the sponsorship of terrorism including ISIS, and 9/11, but on balance I am confident this was not done by the USA and the Chinese leadership knows that.
Significantly, both Steele and Fulford link the Coronavirus to the rollout of 5G as part of this false flag bioweapons attack. Steele summarizes his position as follows:
It is also not clear to me the degree to which 5G – for which China is the lead country – intersects with the biological virus. 5G is a huge part of this – what we do not know yet is whether this was a false flag attack as I suspect; a test of the intersection of bio-warfare and electro-magnetic warfare; or a full out assault intended to destroy the Chinese economy and begin depopulating China – or all three!
Steele, in particular, is among a select group of researchers that have uncovered the link between the roll out of 5G, the Coronavirus outbreak, and the future of biowarfare. It remains to be seen how the Chinese and world public will react as the Coronavirus crisis plays out in China and the rest of the world.
Health professionals have been warning us about increased RF from 5G transmissions in dense urban areas, but have been totally ignored by national policy makers. There are currently plans by Chinese and US corporations to place tens of thousands of 5G satellites in space transmitting signals at frequencies that health professionals warn will negatively impact human health, and even our DNA. Space X alone plans to send 12,000 5G satellites into Earth orbit, which some activists believe “could wipe out life on Earth”.
It’s very clear that China and the US are in a furious race to dominate the information domain, cyberspace, AI and outer space, and 5G is regarded as an indispensable tool in this race.This is especially the case as the newly created US Space Force will attempt to establish American hegemony though fleets of antigravity spacecraft covertly developed by the US Air Force, and China counters with the roll out of its own secret space program.
While national security interests may tempt government authorities to ignore the health risks posed by 5G, the link between the Coronavirus outbreak and 5G is a harbinger of what lies ahead if governments recklessly proceed with the deployment of 5G transmission stations all around us and from space.
The big lesson to be learned from Wuhan as the epicenter for both China’s rollout of 5G and the Coronavirus outbreak is that 5G is destined to play a major role in the future of biowarfare unless dramatic steps are taken.
Despite the undoubted health risks posed by 5G and its link to the spread of the Coronavirus and biological warfare in general, it can be predicted that military strategists in both China and the US will continue to aggressively lobby for its rapid implementation by telecommunications companies.
The general public needs to be made fully aware of the 5G-Coronavirus-biowarfare link and respond while there is still time to the rapid implementation of 5G transmitting stations both on the ground and in space. Determined efforts are needed to ensure that the deployment of 5G can proceed in ways that does not undermine the human immune system or disrupt other life forms on Earth.
Russian scientists have made major strides in integrating electromagnetic energies in ways that promote protection from harmful RF waves and stimulate healing, according to leading researchers such as Dr. Thomas Bearden. Other pioneering researchers such as Dr. Ilija Lakicevic and Jacque Bauer have taken the Russians’ research to the next level and developed devices designed to “convert harmful frequencies into a revitalization field favorable for the human body”.
While the link between the rollout of 5G and the Coronavirus in Wuhan is very disturbing, the scientific research and devices being developed in response raise hopes that individuals and communities can protect themselves in future against harmful RF radiation that will dramatically increase due to thousands of 5G ground stations and satellites in space, and from potential future biowarfare.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Space Force must create Pax Americana in Space or China will according to USAF General
- China’s Secret Plan to Subvert US Hegemony to become Top Space Power
- New Book – Rise of the Red Dragon – Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program
- Trump signs Space Force Act – Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure
- USAF Secretary & Congressman want to Declassify Secret Space Programs
- Space Force is a Go as Congress Gives its Approval
5G, biowarfare, China, coronavirus, false flag attack, Wuhan