JFK Assassination Files Release and New Whistleblower on UFO Crash Retrieval Programs
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Jan 25, 2025
- Remote Viewing of the Seeder Extraterrestrials
- Jacob Barber’s whistleblower claims are revealed in News Nation Episode
- Jean Charles Moyen has had another space ark experience, this time under Nasca Plains of Peru.’
- All the JFK Assassination files are to be released. Will they show a CIA and UFO.connection.
- Diplomatic Letter from an Inner Earth Draco Reptilian on Humanity’s Potential and Overcoming Duality: George Kavassilas Interview – Part 2
- The story behind Grenada’s Prime Minister, Sir Eric Gairy’s, attempt to create a United Nations Agency to study UFO reports is succinctly presented.
- In his 2nd inauguration speech, President Donald Trump cites Manifest Destiny in the US planting a flag on Mars with Elon Musk applauding in the audience.
- Finland is the 53rd nation to sign the Artemis Accords. Many countries hope they can participate in upcoming Moon and Mars colony missions
- Rogan is correct about retrieved NHI craft going back to at least the 1947 Roswell Crash. Top aerospace corporations have “back-engineered it all”.
- Trailer for an upcoming documentary will wow newbies and skeptics still being introduced to the UAP/UFO phenomenon as a serious national security by 34 experts. However, whistleblower and eyewitness testimony is ignored.
- Releasing suppressed Exotic Technologies, Mystery Drones and Extraterrestrial Disclosure: Interview with Elena Danaan.
- Full video of Ross Coulthart interviewing Jake Barber who would ‘100% testify’ under oath to Congress.
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Artemis Accords, Donald Trump, Elena Danaan, Jake Barber, Jean Charles Moyen