New Feature Film exposes Child Trafficking in Space
Jean Charles Moyen is an extraterrestrial contactee and supersoldier who served with a joint US-French Secret Space Program. He says that during his covert service upon the Solaris, the flagship of the joint US-French SSP, he was sent on missions to rescue children captured in human trafficking operations led by an extraterrestrial species called the Draconians. He has previously revealed in interviews several daring rescues involving children in real life deep space missions. Significantly, his wife Melanie Charest and colleague, David Rousseau, also served on the Solaris and were involved in rescues of captive children.
Three years ago Jean Charles Moyen decided to create a feature film depicting his real life SSP experiences using fictional characters to expose human trafficking in space involving children. His film Rive-Sud Origine 2 (South Shore Origin 2) is a fiction based on fact expose that is available in French with English subtitles on Vimeo.
Watch on YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute & Odysee
Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google
Jean Charles Moyen’s Rive-Sud Origine 2 (South Shore Origin 2) is available at:
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Child Trafficking, Draconians, Jean Charles Moyen, Solaris, space programs