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New Webinars: Full Disclosure vs Limited Hangouts

Full Disclosure vs Limited Hangouts:
How the Deep State Plans to Hide the Truth about SSPs & ET Life

August 22, 2020 (Saturday)
12 noon – 4:30 pm PDT / 3 pm – 7:30 pm EDT

On July 25, the New York Times revealed a bombshell report on the US Congress and Pentagon being briefed by an astrophysicist, Dr. Eric Davis, on a corporate run reverse engineering study of a captured off-world vehicle. The report immediately generated international media attention and speculation over links to the famed Roswell UFO crash.

Dr. Davis’ classified briefings can be directly linked to a US Senate Bill requiring the Intelligence Community delivering a comprehensive report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs aka UFOs) within 180 days.

The New York Times story follows an earlier report on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program released in December 2017 that focused on three videos showing US Navy pilots interacting with UAPs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015. The two New York Times stories are linked and involve similar issues and sources, and have transformed the UFO issue into something taken seriously by major media outlets and policy professionals.

The New York Times stories are part of a Deep State plan to unveil a very limited disclosure of the truth behind Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Life. The goal is not so much to inform, but to misinform the general public through a Limited Hangout that keeps the full truth hidden for decades to come.

In this four-hour Intensive you will learn:

  • The origins of Dr Eric Davis’ knowledge about a corporate-run alien reverse engineering program.
  • Why Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson was denied access to a UFO program despite his leadership position at the Defense Intelligence Agency and Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • The connection to Bob Lazar’s 1989 revelations over a reverse engineering program at the S-4 facility at Area 51.
  • How the 2004 and 2015 Navy UFO videos are linked to US Air Force craft secretly manufactured at Plant 42 by Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks.
  • Why major media is focusing on the threat posed by UAPs and how this threat is associated with alien life by major figures linked to Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy.
  • Werner Von Braun’s warning of a False Flag Alien invasion and the likelihood we may soon experience a contrived extraterrestrial event taking place.
  • The connection between corporate reverse engineering programs and Lt. General Michael Flynn, and why the Deep State targeted him for removal from any leadership position in the Trump Administration.
  • What we are most likely to experience leading up to and immediately after the 2020 Presidential Election.

4 hours (Presentation with Q&A at the end)

COMPLETED – To purchase a recording of this Webinar click here.

“Get Your Answers” Q&A Debrief

August 23, 2020 (Sunday)
12 noon – 2:00 pm PDT / 3 pm – 5:00 pm EDT

In this special Debrief session, attendees will be able to ask Dr. Salla questions on ANY topic. To make this event more personal, enrollments are limited to only 30 people.

This is an interactive format in which participant questions will steer all the topics covered by Dr. Salla, whose expertise in secret space programs, international politics, Q, insiders, extraterrestrial contact and more spans a career of over 30 years and 13 books, including the bestselling Secret Space Programs Series.

The field is wide open to you, so prepare your questions and get ready for a personalized Debrief where you can “Get Your Answers” with Dr. Salla in this engaging limited attendance Zoom session.

2 hours
Limited to 30 attendees – We recommend you book early!
Webinar recording available to attendees for 30 days after live event.