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Secret History of RAND Corporation in Reverse Engineering Antigravity UFOs

The RAND Corporation traces its origins to a research and development project created inside the Douglas Aircraft Company to study UFOs secretly retrieved by the U.S. military after the February 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid incident, according to former Douglas Aircraft employee, William Tompkins. Tompkins further reveals that in 1943 he began delivering briefing documents from a covert Navy espionage program, which had learned about antigravity craft created by Nazi Germany, to the Douglas research and development project that later evolved into the RAND Corporation.

The Nazi antigravity craft were similar in design to retrieved UFOs suggesting an alliance had been reached between the Nazis and one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Further compounding the problem, according to Tompkins, was that the Navy spies had learned that the Nazis had relocated significant resources to remote locations in Antarctica during World War II, with the assistance of an extraterrestrial civilization called the Draconians.

douglas-memo-confirming-tompkins-on-loc-committee-72-pxThe secret history of RAND was first revealed by Tompkins in his book, Selected By Extraterrestrials and in subsequent interviews where he discussed his 12 years working at Douglas Aircraft from late 1950 to May 1963. In a September 19 telephone interview, Tompkins gave more details about RAND and its earlier involvement with Douglas Aircraft in studying UFO reports and the Nazis antigravity projects.

Tompkins revealed that in early 1942, after the Los Angeles UFO incident, the President of Douglas Aircraft Company, Donald Douglas, Snr, along with his chief engineer, Arthur Raymond, and his assistant, Franklin Bolbohm, convened an informal working group that included two Navy admirals and two Army Air Force Generals to investigate the research implications of two retrieved UFO craft.  

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A leaked Majestic Document dating from February 1942, supports Tompkins claim that two UFOs had been retrieved after the Los Angeles incident, by the Navy and the Army respectively:

Regarding the air raid over Los Angeles it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral Anderson has informed the War Department of a naval recovery of an unidentified airplane off the coast of California with no bearing on conventional explanation. Further it has been revealed that the Army Air Corps has also recovered a similar craft in the San Bernardino Mountains east of Los Angeles which cannot be identified as conventional aircraft. This Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.

The Douglas Aircraft Corporation was headquartered in Santa Monica, so it is natural to assume that senior Douglas personnel would have witnessed the Los Angeles event, which Tompkins himself witnessed as an 18 year old at the time, and described in detail in Selected by Extraterrestrials.

Subsequently, it is very plausible that Donald Douglas, Snr, would have contacted senior officers in both the US Navy and Army to form an informal working group to discuss the UFO incident and its implications for the aeronautical industry in early 1942. After all, Douglas Aircraft Company was ramping up aircraft production for both the US Navy and Army Air Force, and it behooved everyone to learn as much as possible about the UFOs involved in the Los Angeles incident.

Therefore Tompkins’ claim that it was out of this informal working group established by Donald Douglas, which three years later led to the formal establishment of Project RAND in October 1945, is supported by historical events.

By 1948 Project Rand evolved further into a separate organization called the RAND Corporation. Today, the RAND Corporation is a global policy think tank with over 1800 staff, multiple U.S. and international offices, scientists drawn from 53 countries, nearly US$300 million in revenue, and with major divisions in (RAND) Europe and (RAND) Australia.

It is historical fact that the RAND Corporation owes its origins to a classified Research ANd Design (RAND) project initially created within the Douglas Aircraft Company. By 1945, Douglas was among the leading manufacturers of aircraft for both the US Navy and US Army Air Force. Douglas produced nearly 30,000 aircraft for the successful war effort, and its engineers and production facilities were world renowned.

It was not only the Los Angeles UFO incident that was being studied by the Douglas Aircraft Company’s informal working group that later evolved into the RAND Project in 1945. Tompkins revealed that in early 1942, he was involved in a covert Navy espionage program conducted out of the Naval Air Station, San Diego, whose chief mission was to learn about Nazi Germany’s secret antigravity research programs. According to Tompkins, 29 Navy spies with German American backgrounds who spoke German fluently, had learned that the Nazis were working on 30 different antigravity prototypes.

The spies said that the Nazis had established two separate antigravity research programs. The first, located in Nazi Occupied Europe, was run by the Nazi SS and aimed at weaponizing antigravity prototypes in order to win the war. These were part of Hitler’s promised wonder weapons (“Wunderwaffe”) that he believed would ensure Nazi Germany’s eventual victory.

The second program, located in secure facilities under the Antarctica ice shelf, was primarily aimed at building spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. This more secretive program was led by German Secret Societies whose antigravity research had begun in the 1920’s.

The leaders of the Antarctica program were more interested in interstellar missions, and did not share Hitler’s goal of global military conquest, and allegedly even withheld their most advanced technologies from the Nazis during critical stages of the war.  According to Tompkins, the German program in Antarctica was directly being helped by extraterrestrials who wanted to recruit the Germans as a mercenary space force.

Tompkins says that his job, from 1942 to 1946, was to participate in debriefings of the 29 Navy spies and to then put together briefing packets which he would deliver to various U.S. think tanks, corporations and universities. The goal was to see if anyone could understand the advanced aerospace projects the Nazis were working on, and to evaluate their potential for research and development in the U.S.

passes to enter naval intelligenceTompkins has supplied documents that confirm he was indeed allowed to take “packets” out of the Naval Air Station as a “Disseminator of Naval Aircraft Research and Information.” Significantly, Tompkins writes in Selected by Extraterrestrials (p.58), that he began delivering briefing packets to Douglas Aircraft Corporation in the Spring of 1943.

Tompkins says that years later, in 1950, he began working with Douglas Aircraft, and was quickly recruited into their secret think tank, called Advanced Design, once it was realized that he was earlier involved in the Navy’s covert espionage program out of Nazi Germany.

In 1942, however, a decision had been made at the highest level of the U.S. national security complex not to invest significant resources into the research and development of recovered antigravity spacecraft, until after the war.

Leaked “Majestic Documents” reveal that President Roosevelt, following the advice of military officials, had concluded that the advanced science behind the recovered antigravity craft would be too challenging to reverse engineer in a timeframe suited to the war effort.

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In a memorandum to his science advisor, Dr. Vannevar Bush, Roosevelt firmly ruled out a research and development program of “non-terrestrial” technologies based on antigravity principles, because its expense would impact on the development of more conventional military weapons such as the atomic bomb. Roosevelt wrote:

Various points have been raised about the difficulties such an endeavor would pose to the already hardened research for advanced weapons programs and support groups in our war effort and I agree that now is not the time. It is my personal judgment that, when the war is won, and peace is once again restored, there will come a time when surplus funds may be available to pursue a program devoted to understanding non-terrestrial science and its technology which is still greatly undiscovered.

Roosevelt went on to assure that the U.S. would eventually play a leading role in developing the incredible technologies that had fallen into their hands.   

Consequently, it would be after the war that significant scientific resources would be finally devoted to research and development of recovered antigravity craft. In the meantime, the U.S. military would gather as much intelligence as possible on what the Axis Powers were doing in this arena, along with the recovery of any antigravity craft of non-terrestrial origin.

The covert Navy espionage program that Tompkins was involved in was therefore the U.S. military’s main intelligence gathering effort in learning about antigravity technology, and its potential use after the war.

The Majestic Documents further  reveal that the Navy was instructed to share its intelligence findings on antigravity craft and UFOs with the Army’s G-2 Intelligence, which was assigned primary responsibility for investigating the antigravity craft.

Tompkins has confirmed in phone interviews that he would also give his briefing packets to Army Research and Development facilities, despite reservations by senior Navy personnel in sharing its prized intelligence data.

Consequently, with the official end to World War II hostilities the US Navy and Army Air Force took their first step in planning how it would conduct research and development of antigravity craft which would be used for creating a U.S. space program.

Two months after the surrender of Japan in August 1945, Project RAND was formally set up by the Douglas Aircraft Company in cooperation with the U.S. Army Air Force. Douglas was the ideal corporation for the task since it worked closely with both the Navy and Army Air Force (which became the US Air Force in September 1947).

The RAND Corporation website contains a short historical overview that alludes to the need for the different military services to work together in finally moving forward with a comprehensive research and development program for the advanced antigravity technologies discovered during the war. The Commanding General of the Army Air Force, H.H. “Hap” Arnold wrote a report advocating “the continuance of teamwork among the military, other government agencies, industry, and the universities.”

In addition to Arnold, the RAND website identifies others involved in setting up the RAND Project:

Other key players involved in the formation of this new, private organization were Major General Curtis LeMay; General Lauris Norstad, Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Plans; Edward Bowles of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, consultant to the Secretary of War; Donald Douglas, president of the Douglas Aircraft Company; Arthur Raymond, chief engineer at Douglas; and Franklin Collbohm, Raymond’s assistant. The name of the organization? Project RAND.

The historical overview found in the RAND website is significant since it confirms the leading role of the Douglas Aircraft Company in supporting the U.S. military in researching and developing the secrets of antigravity due to the expertise of their scientists and engineers.

The official history of the RAND Corporation furthermore supports Tompkins claim that an informal working group, convened by Donald Douglas, had been earlier established to study antigravity after the Los Angeles UFO incident.

When the official RAND history is combined with the 1942 Majestic Documents describing US Army and Navy cooperation in retrieving and studying two flying saucers recovered after the 1942 Los Angeles incident and Tompkins testimony, it becomes clear that the RAND Project began as a joint Army Air Force and Navy initiative with the Douglas Aircraft Company to study antigravity technologies recovered from alien visitors and intelligence data from Nazi flying saucer projects.  

tourflyeroct2016-300pxYet less than three years later, the RAND Project came to an acrimonious end with rival Navy and Air Force antigravity research programs that would evolve into separate secret space programs. Tompkins’ testimony reveals that competing extraterrestrial groups worked behind the scenes to direct the U.S. military industrial complex in how it would develop antigravity technologies, and the RAND Corporation was a major institutional player in a hidden proxy conflict.

Click here for Part II.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Announcement: Documents and whistleblowers revealing the creation of antigravity spacecraft belonging U.S. secret space programs, and the role of RAND and other corporations, will be presented in an upcoming lecture and workshops in Los Angeles (Oct 8-9) and San Francisco (Oct 14 & 16) by best-selling author Dr Michael Salla. More info here.

Further Reading

antigravity, Douglas Aircraft Company, Los Angeles Air Raid, Project RAND, RAND Corporation, US Air Force, US Navy, William Tompkins