Siemens Implicated in Tracking Forced Labor & Slaves in Space
An immoral past follows the Siemens multinational corporation, currently Europe’s largest engineering company, which assisted the Nazis by using slave labor to build advanced weapons during World War II. The collapse of Hitler’s Third Reich put an end to a dark chapter in Siemens past – according to conventional historians. Not so, according to the claims of two whistleblowers whose testimonies lead to a disturbing conclusion. Siemens has been involved in secretly building billions of tiny RFID chips to track the movement of abducted humans used as forced labor in secret space colonies and in a galactic slave trade.
Siemens’ role in helping Nazi Germany build advanced weapons for the Second World War is well known, but less known is the extent to which it participated in the use of slave labor. On September 24, 1998, Siemens decided to begin compensating victims of its former slave labor practices as the following Associated Press Report describes:
Siemens announced plans Wednesday for a $12-million fund to compensate former slave laborers forced to work for the firm by the Nazis during World War II…. Almost a year ago, at its 150th anniversary celebrations, the company had insisted that it could do no more for its former slave laborers than express “deepest regrets.” The Munich-based Siemens said its fund is in addition to the $4.3 million it paid to the Jewish Claims Conference in 1961 and to providing humanitarian help for victims. Siemens estimates that between 10,000 and 20,000 slave laborers worked in its wartime factories.
Siemens’ role in acknowledging its wartime use of slave labor and efforts to compensate victims is praiseworthy. However, the acknowledgement came forty years after the events in question, and leads to troubling questions over whether the company was sincere or simply wishing to avoid class action lawsuits then underway in the United States:
The threat of lawsuits has raised the pressure on German firms to pay direct claims to the thousands of concentration camp inmates, mostly Jews, forced to work in their factories. Lawyers representing former slave laborers criticized Siemens, as they did Volkswagen, for setting up a fund to avoid larger payments a lawsuit might demand. Siemens is seeking “the cheapest alternative,” said Munich attorney Michael Witti, who with a colleague filed the U.S. lawsuit.
Readers might be forgiven for believing that the compensation of former slave laborers is an issue associated with a terrible chapter in our recent history. However, there is whistleblower testimony that such practices continue and Siemens is still involved.
William Pawelec was a computer operations and programming expert with the USAF, who started his own electronics security company, and worked for high profile U.S. defense contractors such as SAIC and EG&G. He received high level security clearances and had access to many classified projects.
Prior to 2001, Pawelec decided to reveal what he knew about deep black projects that he believed were hiding advanced technologies from the U.S. public. He gave an interview to Dr. Steven Greer with the strict instruction that it would only be published after his death. He died on May 22, 2007 and the video was published posthumously on December 14, 2010.
Among his many revelations is information concerning the development of the first electronic RFID tracking chips that were developed as early as 1979 according to Pawelec. He explained the history of their development, and the role his Denver-based company played in setting up meetings with government agencies, which were interested in using the chips for security purposes.
In his video interview with Greer, Pawelec said:
At the time in the security industry, a lot of us had a lot of concerns about tracking and locating people that had been kidnapped. Particularly what was going on in Europe at the time where we were having NATO officers, even the Prime Minister of Italy, kidnapped … These people were drained [of information] or they were brutalized or both… One of the goals of the industry was to develop technology that would allow us to track these people or locate them quickly.
He said that the tracking chips, which were very small and shaped like a pill, had multiple functions:
Now this particular pill shaped device, very minute, had a lot of flexibility in its capabilities. It was basically almost a transponder. You could send a frequency to it and it would respond back with its unique number which could not be changed once the chip was made. Yet there were a lot of capabilities that could be added to this chip such as monitoring temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and even wave forms out of the brain.

Pawelec said that soon after demonstrating an even more sophisticated lithium niobate chip in 1984, which could be tracked from a distance of 120 kilometers in space, he discovered a small Silicon Valley company had been set up to manufacture billions of them. He learned that “after they had made billions and billions of these little chips” the factory was shut down a year later, and all information about the chips disappeared.
Pawelec said that the small company responsible for making the billions of tiny chips “was a division of a rather major European electronics firm that had the plant. Siemens.”
Pawelec went on to describe how his colleague, Bob, the former head of security for the U.S. State Department, was assassinated in Nairobi because he was getting too close to learning about the people that had acquired control over the tracking chips and had built billions of them for an unknown purpose.
According to Pawelec, the people behind Bob’s assassination had infiltrated the U.S. military industrial complex at its highest level, and could intimidate and silence anyone.
Pawelec’s testimony suggests that the Siemen’s corporation had acquired the rights and control over the tracking chip technology, built billions of them in less than a year using a U.S. subsidiary, and then arranged for the local manufacturing plant to close with all information about the tracking chips now gone.
Importantly, the Siemen’s corporation was associated with a powerful force embedded within the U.S. military industrial complex, which was intent on hiding the true purpose of the chips. This hidden force possessed the power to remove anyone who got too close to learning the truth, even the head of security at a U.S. Embassy.
It is worth repeating that the main function of the tiny chips, according to Pawelec, was to track people, and even monitor their key physiological processes over large distances. This leads to the question, why would the Siemen’s corporation need billions of chips to monitor people over large distances? For the answer, we need to turn to the testimony of another whistleblower.
Corey Goode claims to have worked for a number of secret space programs over a twenty year period from 1987 to 2007. He says that he was given access to “smart glass pads” that revealed the real history of humanity, especially events surrounding the end of the World War II.
In a nutshell, Goode claims that key elements of the Nazi regime had succeeded in developing a secret space program during the course of the war. The main power, however, lay not with Hitler’s SS, but with a number of German secret societies who used occult knowledge and their vast hidden wealth to build advanced antigravity space craft in remote locations in Antarctica and South America.
The German secret societies had built bases on the Moon and Mars even before the end of World War II. Subsequently, along with remnants of the Nazi SS advanced technologies division, which was headed by Hans Kammler, the Germans infiltrated the U.S. military industrial complex using Operation Paperclip scientists.
Major U.S. corporations were infiltrated along with many leading aerospace and engineering companies in Europe, Japan and elsewhere. The Siemens company, with its long history of association with Nazi Germany, was a natural conduit for the infiltration of the U.S. military industrial complex.
Pawelec had learned about the strange influence exercised over the U.S. military industrial complex by German elites when he traveled to the Tonopah Test Range for a classified project. After Pawelec’s death, his wife, Mary Joyce Annie DeRiso, shared more of the information that Pawelec had told her about the Tonopah incident, and who was really in control of the U.S. military.
DeRiso shared her information when she was being interviewed about Pawelec’s testimony in Greer’s Disclosure Project video:
His disenchantment began when he was called to give what he thought was going to be a regular project status report at Tonapah. The meeting was held in a heavily controlled room that was built like a Faraday cage making it impossible for communications to come in or out of the sealed room. Briefcases, papers, pagers and any form of identification were not allowed at that meeting… Only the generals could be recognized by their uniforms. The tension was really high and Bill was surprised at how nervous the high-ranking generals were. He knew something BIG was up. Bill saw a private jet escorted by two of our military jets land on the tarmac. Surprisingly, this private jet rolled all the way to the building where the meeting was scheduled as the escort jets departed. A very imposing man stepped out of the jet and entered the room. He was relatively tall, and wore a very expensive European suit. His shoes and briefcase were equally luxurious and there was an aide or bodyguard by his side. His demeanor was very aristocratic and he spoke with a High German accent. The room was electrified with nervous tension as each person gave his status report and answered questions.
When everyone had spoken, the German man thanked them for their good work and simply left. He was never introduced nor identified in anyway. It is believed he was Baron Jesco von Puttkamer, one of the Germans who came to the United States with Werner von Braun. Whatever happened that day convinced Bill that the United States, and probably the whole world, was being controlled by Europeans … but exactly who ‘they’ were was the big question.
It drove Bill and his friends on a quest to find out what was really going on. After that, he frequently quoted his friend Jim Marrs who often says, ‘The Nazis may have lost the battles but they won the war.’
Based on deRiso’s interview, Pawelec believed that remnants of the Nazi regime had survived World War II, and that German elites were now in control of Western Europe and the United States.
The testimony of Pawelec’s widow is significant since it reveals her husband’s final conclusion over who was really in control of the U.S. military industrial complex, was the same as what Corey Goode later revealed. This finally takes us to the question, what purpose did the Siemens company have for building billions of chips for tracking humans over long distances?
In an email interview, Goode described the development of a galactic slave trade that involved extraterrestrials and national elites secretly in control of Earth governments and militaries. This was achieved through a network of corporations, which he described as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC):
The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates discovered that a large amount of humans were being taken off the planet by various ET’s anyway, so they decided to find a way to profit from it and have control over which people were being taken. In prior arrangements they were made promises of receiving technologies and biological specimens for allowing groups to abduct humans, but the ET’s rarely delivered on their promises. Once they had developed the advanced infrastructure (ICC) in our Sol System, along with advanced technologies (that some of the thousands of ET groups traveling through our system were now interested in obtaining) and now had the ability to deter most unwelcome guests from entering Earths airspace, the Cabal/ICC then decided to use human trafficking as one of their resources in interstellar bartering.
Goode’s revelation provides an answer as to why the Siemens company had built billions of trackable chips with unique identifiers. These chips were very likely used to monitor a galactic slave trade, and the use of forced labor on secret colonies on Mars and elsewhere in our solar system.
In 1998, the Siemens company confessed to its involvement in the Nazi practice of using slave labor and agreed to compensate those forced to work at Siemens. Siemens estimated the number to be between 10,000 to 20,000 victims. If the testimonies of Pawelec and Goode are accurate, then the number of victims of a continuing practice of secret forced labor and slave trade in space, numbers far far greater.
By tracking of victims in an illicit galactic slave trade, through tiny RFID chips, the Siemens corporation is complicit. Eventually, Siemens and any other corporations involved in exploiting forced labor in secret space colonies, or a galactic slave trade, will eventually have to confess to their involvement, face justice, and compensate victims in these vast undisclosed crimes against humanity.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Obama Signs Law Protecting Corporate Crimes in Space until 2022
- Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base
- Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials
- Overthrowing a Mars Colony Dictator: British Elite Prepare for the Real Thing
- Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
- Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program
- Extraterrestrial contact: international law & crimes against humanity
Corey Goode, forced labor, Nazi Germany, RFID Chips, Siemens, slave trade, William Pawelec