Will Deep State Arrests Happen During 3 Day Internet Shutdown?
Planned military arrests of Deep State figures have been put on hold until an impending three day shutdown of the internet, according to information presented by David Wilcock in a March 29 webinar. Even more startling is Wilcock’s assertion that at the end of the shutdown, there will be a series of major disclosures covering a spectrum of issues ranging from Deep State crimes to the release of suppressed technologies used in secret space programs. How likely is the sequence of events proposed by Wilcock?
Wilcock’s webinar was watched live by approximately 35,000 viewers, with a total of over 645,000 views to date since its airing. He provided an update to the Defender Europe 20 military exercises, which he explained provided the necessary personnel and equipment that would be used in conjunction with U.S. special forces to raid the European fortresses of senior Deep State figures hiding from secret indictments issued by U.S. grand juries.
As I briefly mentioned in my previous article on Wilcock’s webinar series, the Defender Europe 20 exercises were significantly cut back as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, Wilcock’s claim that newly arrived U.S. personnel and equipment could provide armored support for U.S. special forces conducting mass arrests is still plausible.
According to a March 17 news release by the U.S. Army:
In response to the current outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and recent guidance by the United States Secretary of Defense, we have modified exercise Defender-Europe 20 in size and scope. As of March 13, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased…. As we make the appropriate adjustments, the linked exercises to Exercise Defender-Europe 20 – Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response – will not be conducted. We anticipate the involved U.S. armored brigade combat team already deployed to Europe will conduct gunnery and other combined training events with Allies as part of a modified Allied Spirit exercise.
In short, most of the exercises that made up Defender Europe 20 have been canceled, except for the Allied Spirit exercise, which comprises the bulk of six thousand U.S. soldiers shipped to Europe along with “approximately 3,000 pieces of equipment via sea from the United States.” Many of the 3,000 pieces of equipment are 70 ton Abrams tanks to be used in Allied Spirit.
Could a U.S. armored brigade, which normally numbers up to 5,000 personnel, provide the armored support for special forces raiding Deep State compounds to conduct the mass arrests that Wilcock originally contended?
Wilcock cited a number of anonymous sources known to him and secret space program insider, Corey Goode, that confided to him the sequence of events leading up to the mass arrests under the Defender Europe 20 exercises. I have personally met one of the sources, a former NATO general, who Goode introduced me to in September 2017.
After conducting my due diligence, I was able to verify that the General was a retired military official, who has been informally briefing Goode and Wilcock, about events in Europe and around the world. I have also, on occasion, had the General’s briefings passed on to me for review and background information in conducting my secret space program research.
In addition, it’s worth pointing out that another of Goode’s active sources works within the Defense Intelligence Agency, and had passed on to him two Defense Intelligence Reference Documents that were released for the first time into the public arena in December 2017. They were marked “Unclassified: For Official Use Only,” and their release much surprised the papers’ author, Dr. Eric Davis, who pointed out that only a serving public official could have taken such an action, as I have previously pointed out.
The release of the DIA papers was done in Goode’s words, “to slowly ‘read in’ certain people in the DOD/DIA to Special Access Programs.” The DIA papers provided powerful corroboration for key elements of Good’s remarkable secret space program testimony, which I investigated at length and documented in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2017).
Nevertheless, many leading UFO researchers have disingenuously ignored Goode’s role in releasing these official DIA documents, and instead made disparaging comments of him starting a “blue chicken cult” based on little more than public deception.
This is despite the fact at least one active DIA official and a retired senior NATO official accept Goode’s core claim about him being the liaison for a group of higher dimensional entities comprising “Blue Avians” and others belonging to a “Sphere Being Alliance”, that are intent on transforming political power structures on Earth, our solar system and galactic neighborhood.
In his webinar, Wilcock explained what had been revealed to him from Goode’s sources, particularly the General, after the bold pronouncements made in Wilcock’s previous webinars concerning the Defender Europe 20 exercises as the cover for mass arrests taking place, which I covered in my previous article.
In his March 29 seminar, Wilcock described the delay to the timing of the mass arrests, as explained to him by the General:
The first glimmer that I got was from Corey Goode on Saturday, March 21 he has multiple sources feeding us information. I had already done the video and discussed Defender Europe 20 as if arrests were already happening. That was the first video we did, the general, we have a couple of guys we call the general, but the general called and laughed and said no, it’s not happening yet. Nobody’s been arrested in Europe yet (1:39:19). But he was amazed that I got all those details right.
He said the final stage will involve about three days where we do not have access to regular phone calls you can make emergency calls to 911 … but you are not going to have the internet or the phone.
Wilcock went on to explain that during the three days of darkness, the Presidential Broadcast System will be used to inform people of what is happening:
They want you to know about his so that you don’t freak out and commit suicide I guess…. So there will be an emergency presidential broadcast system that they will use. The QAnon source talked about this on December 19, 2019. They will use a national presidential alert system, and why was this created and tested for political and information warfare.
During these three days they believe that they’re going to be able to get everybody. They’ve got it all planned out how they’re going to get this thing done. They think they can get it all done in three days. It might take a little bit longer, but they probably will get it done in three days and it’s going to be fast. Probably 24 hours a day shifts that these soldiers are working.
Wilcock cited a text message received from Corey Goode March 21, who summarized what he had been told about the upcoming internet shutdown and mass arrests:
I sure hope arrests are going on. I was also told recently that all communications (except 911) would go offline. I am not sure if they mean cell comm’s only … that the internet would slow to a crawl during any actual mass arrests. Then the National Emergency network would come on like you said in the video. With the Virus scenario, they may not need to take comm’s down or shut down electricity in regions. This virus, the cabal’s last ditch effort … may be the perfect screen to do the arrests. I am just hearing majorly conflicting information on that from my contacts.
The General was hearing in the beginning but then said ‘it was called off’.
I am also hearing that there are very strange troop movements, Nat Guard but also elite Marine units that specialize in breeching compounds have been seen moving about in a frantic manner on their base (can’t remember which one).
That FEMA was gearing up some of the camps that were set aside but they are not being setup in a ‘pattern’ that would be expected for a pandemic. So, prisons?
So much speculation even among the top brass because over a week ago all briefings (Proper ones) stopped and ‘Comm’s went down’ … Silent Running.
Was also told to expect a lot of strange E.Q.’s [earthquakes] around areas that you would expect secret bases to be at.
Comm’s being down and troop movement is going on for sure.
It is way toooo much overkill for a virus outbreak of this magnitude.
The General was even saying that there were rumors of using this situation for an economic reset of some kind.
The critical point in Goode’s information here is that the COVID-19 pandemic is a last-ditch effort by the Deep State to create the necessary international chaos necessary to implement their New World Order.
In another article, I discussed how the origins of the pandemic could be traced back to a 2005 meeting in the City of London, where Deep State figures discussed a plan that had been developed for implementing their New World Order. The key point was that the elaborate sequence of events involving a global pandemic needed to be implemented in full in order to achieve success for the creation of a New World Order.
Not doing so would lead to failure. Consequently, the release of the COVID pandemic is indeed a last ditch effort by the Deep State to overwhelm nation states. Not only is the Deep State plan destined to fail, which we see already with China successfully emerging out of the lockdowns that initially crippled their economy, but the lockdowns do provide an opportunity for Deep State figures to be arrested, as proposed by Wilcock.
Wilcock points out that while some will panic, thinking that the impending mass arrests are tantamount to a military takeover, it is the opposite:
They are not going to tell you this is the mass arrests. So some people are going to have a serious dark night of the soul when we go through these three days because they’re worried that this is the end okay, and this is martial law and this is a government takeover that’s not what it is. The real takeover was going to happen if the illuminati had not been opposed by this amazing group of military and intelligence officials not just from the U.S. but all over the world that are working to make sure these plans don’t succeed, which once again after the only three days what we are hearing is that everybody’s going to get the truth. These eight-hour chunks of data they’re going to run three times a day you got to watch the whole eight hours to get the data and once you’ve done that you’ll basically now be aware of what’s really going on, who these people are, what they were trying to do, and how they’re being stopped.
It’s clear, according to the information provided by Wilcock, that something very important was originally planned in Europe with the Defender Europe 20 military exercises, until these were significantly scaled back due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Goode’s General, the arrests were called off.
Nevertheless, significant U.S. military resources and personnel have been shipped to Europe and could under the remaining Allied Spirit exercise provide the necessary armored firepower to back up U.S. special forces in storming Deep State compounds in Europe, as Wilcock originally contended.
Could this happen duringa three day internet shutdown, which both Wilcock and Goode’s sources predicted? If so, then their advance warning will be very helpful in navigating the uncertain times that lie ahead as the covert civil war between the Deep State and the Military White Hats/Trump Administration comes to a stunning conclusion, while the bulk of the citizenry in the U.S., Europe and much of the planet are experiencing unprecedented national lockdowns.
The arrest and removal of the Deep State officials from positions of power would certainly have major implications for the disclosure of thousands of suppressed advanced technologies dealing with new energy sources, health, and exotic propulsion systems. The possibility that the whole planet will soon learn the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is quite high if the scenario laid out by Wilcock comes to pass.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Update – 3/31/20. In my initial version of this article I erroneously wrote that David Wilcock said the mass arrests would follow the three days of darkness, rather than during them. Thanks to readers that alerted me to the error which has been corrected.
Further Reading
- Are Deep State Satanists being Arrested under Cover of Defender Europe 20 Exercises?
- Is Coronavirus a Deep State Bioweapon attack on China planned in 2005?
- Is the Coronavirus linked to China’s Rollout of 5G and Biowarfare?
- QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin
- QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat
- QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State
Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Deep State, Defender Europe 20, Mass Arrests