Witness supplies video of UFO after extraterrestrial contact
The popular website Third Phase of the Moon yesterday supplied more video footage from one of its viewers who claims to be an extraterrestrial contactee. “Ed”, who is yet to reveal his full name, claims that his contacts started in 1976. He said that while he was a young boy he witnessed a UFO with his uncle who was a former lieutenant in the US Army. Ed claims that soon after, he began having contact experiences with aliens in their spacecraft that continue to the present day. What makes Ed’s stories of contact different to others is that he has remarkably clear footage supporting his claims.
Yesterday’s video footage was recorded in 1987 and shows a UFO taking off during the night. It is emitting a powerful light towards the ground, and is the classic saucer shape. According to Ed, the light was used to both teleport him into the ship, and back to Earth. It was silent as it took off suggesting that the light was not related to any kind of propellant as would be expected from a rocket engine or vertical takeoff aircraft. Ed claims that he travelled back to his truck and then filmed in the direction where the spacecraft was situated, and filmed it as it took off. The approximate size of the spacecraft was approximately 80-120 feet wide, and about 50-80 feet high. He said that the extraterrestrial that communicated with him and that he met on the ship was named “Voss”.
Ed has supplied other video footage from his archive that is compelling evidence for his extraordinary claims. One video released on March 26 in particular is a classic flying saucer captured during daylight hours. His videos are fast becoming the most compelling from a US based contactee since the extraordinary George Adamski who thrilled audiences around the world with his stories and photos of alien contact in the 1950s and 1960s. Ed appears sincere in his claims and is currently providing a series of interviews to Blake Cousins founder of Third Phase of the Moon. The latest video supports Ed’s main contention that he has been contacted and visited by extraterrestrial visitors since 1976.
© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.