Are Secret Moon Construction Projects causing Worldwide Labor Shortage?
Thousands of small businesses have closed down in the US and around the world due to stringent lockdowns and other health restrictions caused by official government policies concerning the Covid 19 virus. Such business closures would normally result in a surplus of workers in a depressed labor market, where wages contract as millions compete for fewer available jobs. However, the opposite has happened in the US, which has greatly puzzled economists and financial experts.
Today, thousands of companies are desperate for labor and are offering bonuses and inducements for new workers to sign on. This is how Newsweek explains the current US situation:
The labor shortage was a reversal from the earlier impact of the pandemic on labor. Initially, COVID-19 devastated the working class and parts of the private sector middle class; the harsh lockdowns imposed in many places caused upwards of one third of small businesses to close down permanently and decimated the service industry.
But as the economy has recovered, despite high unemployment over 6 percent and over 8 million fewer positions, there’s a shortage of workers, including 7.4 million unfilled jobs.
The manufacturing sector has been particularly hard hit as explained by Arvind Kaushal, a Booz & Company manufacturing analyst who says that as many 600,000 new manufacturing jobs can’t be filled. In particular, there’s a shortage of welders, and this is expected to worsen so that by 2024 as many as 400,000 welding jobs won’t be filled.
What’s causing the labor shortage, especially in the manufacturing sector involving skilled blue collar jobs such welders? Are there enormous construction projects happening behind the scenes siphoning off hundreds of thousands of welders and other construction workers to classified facilities? The answer to these questions is literally out of this world.
In early September, I received intel drops from Val Nek, a representative of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, as relayed by one of his contactees, Megan Rose. In his September 7 update, he said that the Federation was helping humanity build a Starfleet, as well as new bases on the Moon and in Earth orbit for planetary defense. Val Nek said:
As you know, I have been working with US military officials to train and implement a fleet to protect and defend Terra. I want to reiterate that we have implemented technology to protect planet Terra. The star fleet, as you call it, is designed with higher density technology, making many of the new ships undetectable to the enemy. The enemy is unable to track or locate these ships due to the higher frequency. The ships have the capability to materialize and dematerialize in a lower density when necessary. This technology was given to the Terrans and must be built/produced by Terrans [so] as to be in accordance with the laws of the Federation.
Importantly, Val Nek identified the US as the leader in setting up a combined planetary defense force, as decided in the Jupiter Agreements reached in July 2021. Val Nek’s intel is even more crucial to understand that even though the Galactic Federation can help humanity by sharing advanced defense-related technologies, these have to be built by humanity, aka ‘Terrans’ to abide by the Federation’s Prime Directive, which was revealed in an earlier article.
All this defense construction is being done secretly and in remote locations such as the Moon. Hence the need for hundreds of thousands of workers, especially welders, for building the ships, bases, and technologies that would be part of a planetary defense force, aka Starfleet. This raises the question of how could so many workers be secretly shipped to the Moon?
In my September 10 article commenting on Val Nek’s information, I cited one of my long-time sources, JP, who currently serves with the US Army and says that he and other military personnel have been doing an extensive number of classified construction-related missions to the Moon. He revealed that hybrid shuttlecraft have been built that combine human and extraterrestrial technologies for ferrying significant numbers of personnel and resources to and from the Moon. I further explained that JP’s testimony is independent evidence corroborating Val Nek’s information.
In a subsequent update on September 11, Val Nek revealed even more about the secret construction activities occurring on the Moon:
I can now report that Lunar Operations Command is in the process of being remodeled into a medical facility for the Terran military. There are technologies, as you know, being manufactured. I repeat again, that these technologies are advanced technologies from the Federation and are being manufactured by the Terran people. The technology that will be present in Lunar Operations Command are medical technologies. It will be used as a medical base for the Terran military.
Advanced health technologies would be vital for a planetary defense force equipped to fight against an invading extraterrestrial force. What is happening in addition to building medical facilities and technologies for the “Terran military” is that these advanced technologies are also being built for release to the rest of humanity, the “Terran people.”
As in the case of building advanced military technologies, the advanced health technologies would have to be built by the “Terran people,” in accordance with the Prime Directive of the Galactic Federation.
The mass production of advanced health technologies for both the combined military forces of the “Earth Alliance”—aka the Terran military/Starfleet—and the rest of humanity would also require many thousands of workers.
Given the scale of what is being mass produced on the Moon in terms of spacecraft and bases for planetary defense, and medical technologies for both military and civilian use, Val Nek’s information provided a hint to the puzzling question of why the US was experiencing a labor shortage, especially of welders.
After receiving this intel, I wondered if all this secret mass production on the Moon could be related to the worldwide labor shortage. I asked Val Nek, and received his answer through Megan on September 18 as follows:
Indeed, we are requiring more personnel to complete these projects. They are projects that are on a massive scale and indeed require many laborers as you call them. While the Federation is not responsible for recruitment, I cannot confirm where exactly the personnel is coming from. But I can say that it would be likely they are also recruiting for a military presence in space as there is a shortage there also. The Corporations are also likely to start offering competitive pay and benefits since they will be mass producing these machines. They will likely require many personnel with an understanding of science and physics. That is all. I salute you.
Val Nek is here confirming that that many laborers, which would include skilled workers such as welders, are required to build the various technologies and facilities for a planetary defense force. That would include both a real-life ‘Starfleet’ and also advanced medical technologies for widespread use by both the military and civilian sectors.
The scenario that appears to be unfolding today, according to Val Nek’s intel, has eerie similarities to what was depicted in the movie Independence Day: Resurgence. In it, humanity fought off an invading extraterrestrial force, and over the next twenty years, built a comprehensive planetary defense force. Before the invaders returned, a positive group of extraterrestrials approached, offering to assist in our planetary defense. Was the movie a soft disclosure by White Hats/Earth Alliance for the situation we presently face as a planet?
There has been some skepticism towards the intel drops from Val Nek through Megan Rose. The information is startling, yet it provides a very plausible explanation for why there is a labor shortage in the US and around the globe occurring right now. The fact that welders are prominent among the missing US laborers is powerful circumstantial evidence supporting Val Nek’s intel that a planetary defense force, a Starfleet, is being secretly built on the Moon and other construction facilities under US leadership.
It’s highly unlikely that such a secret will hold for much longer, which does suggest that we are about to witness an incredible series of disclosures in the months ahead, where many advanced technologies, both with military and health applications, will be released to the world.
I wish to thank Megan Rose for relaying Val Nek’s answer to my question. Her website is MeganRoseMedium.com
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
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For a complete list of articles and interviews concerning the Galactic Federation and/or featuring Megan Rose, Elena Danaan and other sources click here.
If you want to learn about the Galactic Federation’s history, composition and activities in relation to current global events, then I recommend my upcoming Webinar.
Galactic Federation, labor shortage, Megan Rose, moon, Val Nek