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Author: admin

Ascension versus Transhumanism in Ancient Texts & Modern Times

William Henry has been researching ancient texts and myths over the last three decades and has made many discoveries concerning extraterrestrial intervention, genetic engineering of humanity, ascension, and transhumanism that are all recorded far back in human history. He correctly predicted the growing...

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Halls of Records, Portals, the Inner Earth & Our ET Heritage

In 2008, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault was built by tunneling nearly 500 feet into the side of a Norwegian archipelago mountain located in the Arctic Ocean. Known as the “doomsday vault”, it is meant to ensure humanity has a chance to reseed after a catastrophic worldwide event. Other similar repositories...

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Watch on Vimeo – What’s Coming in 2022 and Beyond webinar

The successful deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope and its scheduled start of astronomical observations in July 2022 heralds a major ‘exopolitical’ shift about to happen in the mainstream scientific community with regard to the ‘Fermi Paradox’. The earlier Kepler Space Telescope’s discovery...

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Elon Musk Tweet Reveals Solar Warden/Earth Alliance Spacecraft

On September 23, 2021, Elon Musk tweeted a picture taken from a SpaceX civilian mission into low Earth Orbit. A close up of the picture reveals at least six cigar shaped craft traveling in formation. According to Thor Han Eredyon of the Galactic Federation of Worlds—as relayed by Elena Danaan—the...

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1 Week to Our Star Trek Future Webinar

At a March 2019 “Space Futures Conference” featuring leaders from multiple national space programs, aerospace corporations, and military organizations from around the world, it was agreed that a Star Trek Future was the optimal outcome that humanity should strive to achieve by the year 2060. Not surprisingly,...

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Interview on Dark Fleet Exodus from Ceres & Mars

The latest intelligence from the Galactic Federation of Worlds is that the planetoid Ceres, has just been liberated, according to extraterrestrial contactee and former French archeologist, Elena Danaan.  In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena presents the most recent intel she has received from...

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The Coming Alien False Flag Psyop – New Webinar

In the last 18 months, the US and other major countries have created national space forces to deal with threats in space, and have pledged to cooperate in a multinational alliance to deal with such threats. We are in an unprecedented era of disclosure as billions of people around the world are finally...

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The Cosmic Hoax: What’s Coming?

On July 4, Dr. Steven Greer released his latest documentary film – ‘The Cosmic Hoax’. In it, he presented evidence of a decades-long plan to stage an alien false flag invasion. He described multiple aspects of the plan and key figures in its implementation. He asserts that the staged...

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