Exopolitics Today – Week in Review with Dr. Michael Salla – Dec 9, 2023
Week in Review Topics
- AUKUS alliance plan to monitor Deep Space is a cover program for SSP activities
- The Good ET/Bad ET Exopolitical State of the Planet: Preview Clip
- Reptilian Vatican connection is a secret hidden in plain sight
- Daniel Sheehan identifies key individuals, agencies and corporations wanting to defang the UAP Disclosure Act
- Investigating Alien Abduction Attempts in Peru – An Interview with Timothy Alberino
- Audiobook version of US Army Insider Missions 2: Underground Cities, Giants & Spaceports is now available
- BBC is making a feature film on Gary McKinnon’s hacking into NASA/Pentagon computers
- Sen Chuck Schumer calls out House Republicans trying to kill UAP Disclosure Act
- Col Philip Corso testimony on UFO crash debris and meeting an ET featured on Weaponized podcast
- Star Nations News features Ea/Enki communication on religion and connecting with source energy
- Online research database featuring Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) files
- Marik von Rennekampf article on the Hill with more details on Republicans with the aerospace industry trying to shoot down UAP Disclosure Act
- Prognosis for UAP Disclosure not according to analysis of Danny Sheehan claim of White House support.
- A diluted version of the UAP Disclosure Act has been accepted by Reconcilation Committee for NDAA 2024.
- JP Update – Nordics take control of Space Arks and reveal disturbing timelines for Earth Alliance
- Three more countries join Combined Space Operations Initiative headed by US Space Command which is the nexus of a future Starfleet
- Redacted interview where I discuss gutted UAP Disclosure Act
- Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel to gutting of UAP Disclosure Act
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AUKUS, Chuck Schumer, Deep State, Reptilians, UAP Disclosure Act