Final Message for Great Awakening vs Global Reset Webinar
Aloha all, I’ve just finished my powerpoint presentation for tomorrow’s Webinar Intensive on the Great Awakening vs the Global Reset. It will be an information packed Intensive with nearly 140 slides detailing the history and exopolitical processes behind the “Global Reset”, or what the World Economic Forum wants to call the “Great Reset” – there’s really nothing great about what is being planned!
What makes my presentation different to many others critical of the “Global Reset” is my exopolitical analysis. After more than 30 years teaching, researching and writing about international conflict, I’ve learned that it is only through an understanding of the hidden involvement of extraterrestrial life that one can make sense of what really happening behind the scenes. Without an exopolitical analysis, it’s like trying to understand the complexities of world politics from the perspective of local government personalities and issues.
So, what is it about the hidden history and involvement of extraterrestrial life that brings clarity to the ideas of a Great Awakening and a Global Reset? First of all, we need to understand that multiple secret agreements have been made between those making up the Cabal or Deep State with their extraterrestrial overlords. These agreements involve the creation of wars, poverty, and famine in order to fulfil the conditions of the agreements, but without the rest of the population learning about what is truly happening. Countless millions have mysteriously disappeared and been used for a myriad of purposes by their extraterrestrial abductors.
This is where the Global Reset comes in. The “new normal” that the World Economic Forum and global leaders want to establish is really all about controlling the flow of information so that people do not revolt over policies that increasingly eliminate human freedoms, constitutional rights, and meaningful political participation. But it doesn’t stop there.
The establishment of a 5G satellite global communications network, the development of corporate controlled smart cities, the rollout of DNA altering vaccines, and the widespread introduction of brain implant technologies are all key elements of what lies ahead. As the “Internet of Things” is rolled out, humans will be among the “Things” that are constantly monitored, influenced and controlled by the Artificial Intelligence computer systems that are being developed all over the world.
Transhumanism will lead to enhanced human performance in all sectors of life, but it’s the military application that will stand out for several reasons. Technologically enhanced supersoldiers will be developed to fight future battles. Transhuman cyborgs will not only battle against one another and AI robots, but also be secretly used to fight against visiting extraterrestrials. This is a key aspect of the agreements that have been reached, which I will discuss at length in my Webinar.
Those refusing to accept the brain implants, “the normies”, will be increasingly ostracized from the smart cities that are already being integrated into existing cities, with others being built from the ground up as the US State of Nevada has proposed. Whether one tries to escape such a dystopian future by going to a remote rural location or choosing to live in decaying metropolitan areas for cheap housing, the prospects are bleak. The Hunger Games movie series is a glimpse into the dystopian future that lies ahead if we don’t take action now against the Global Reset.
That’s where the Great Awakening comes in. Hundreds of millions of people have been awakened by recent political, health and societal events. Whether it’s from Wikileaks revelations, Q drops, COVID-19 policies, DNA altering vaccines, the introduction of 5G transmission towers and satellite systems, social media censorship, or rigged elections, more and more people are seeking answers and awakening to the reality of corrupt global political, financial, legal, medical and media systems. People are rising up and resisting all over the world, but will they be successful?
What is essential for success in resisting the Global Reset is the full disclosure of suppressed technologies and extraterrestrial life. Understanding how and why global elites have hidden and suppressed the emergence of such technologies is critical. What would you say if I told you that a critical requirement for joining a benevolent Galactic Federation of Worlds is the widespread sharing of advanced technologies?
Up until recently, I believed the Deep State’s suppression of advanced technologies was to protect the fossil fuel and pharmaceutical industries in order to maintain the Deep State’s profit margins, and to suppress the evolution of human consciousness.
However, there was a critical factor I was missing. By suppressing the release of advanced technologies, keeping secret the existence of secret space programs, and interfering with the evolution of human consciousness, the Deep State had found a way to prevent the Galactic Federation from intervening in human affairs and helping expose the truth about how our world has been run and managed for millennia.
Most importantly, the Galactic Federation is here to warn us of a future galactic tyranny that had been traced back to present day Earth, and they arrived decades ago to help military and government White Hats, the Earth Alliance, and planetary population, stop it.
If you are not among the more than 70,000 that have watched the short film introducing the Webinar Intensive, you can watch it either on YouTube or Rumble.
To learn more, I recommend you join me in my Webinar tomorrow. It will be broadcast live from my home studio here on the Big Island of Hawaii via Zoom, and I promise you an exciting experience that will give you a fresh perspective on what’s happening and offer some fresh hope for the future.
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Webinar Completed
Length 4-hours
Recorded March 27, 2021
Now Available on Vimeo
exopolitics, extraterrestrial life, Galactic Federation, Great Awakening, Great Reset