Secret Space Program Disclosures & False Flag Alien Events
On November 13, Disclosure Project founder Dr. Steven Greer claimed in a lecture that final preparations for a false flag alien invasion were being facilitated by the recent secret space program disclosures of Corey Goode and William Tompkins. Greer claims that both are victims of psychotronic holographic technologies where they have been implanted with scripted memories of evil aliens abusing captive humans.
Part one of this two part series, examined Greer’s claims regarding Goode. This article examines what Greer had to say about Tompkins and his information.
A number of researchers into secret space program disclosures, including myself, have found Tompkins testimony and documentation to be the most powerful corroboration yet to emerge for many elements of Goode’s earlier disclosures. Consequently, Greer’s critique of Tompkins is very significant for assessing the validity of Goode’s testimony.
In his November 13 lecture, Greer introduces the concept of “alienism” which he defines as follows:
Alienism, as I’m going to define it tonight, is the proclivity to view anything that is non-human, but an intelligent life-form, as a potential threat, and the threat is directly proportional to how different they either appear or behave from us.
He has the following to say about Tompkins testimony, which in Greer’s view, promotes alienism through scripts prepared by military programs that promote the idea of threatening extraterrestrials:
I know that the folks that have been in the military programs connected to Mr. Tompkins and others have an agenda, and I question that agenda has to do with the propagation of fear and to convince the public that there’s an existential threat … as Ronald Reagan said at the UN, would unite the world to fight.
Significantly, Greer refers to “military programs connected to Mr. Tompkins,” yet provides no details of such a connection. He has no documents or witnesses of his own to corroborate his claim that Tompkins’ memories are scripts created by military programs.
Instead he makes a general reference to a USAF intelligence officer, who worked for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, who has new information about Unacknowledged Special Access Programs that will be released in Greer’s forthcoming Unacknowledged documentary.
Greer argues that Tompkins descriptions of benevolent human-looking aliens and malevolent Reptilian-looking aliens conspiring to respectively assist or sabotage US Navy efforts to build a secret space program is a form of alienism:
With many of these people you’ll hear that the ones that the look Nordic, shall we say. I’ve spent three or four hours with Bill Tompkins, the ones that kind of look like us but are pretty, those are GROOD [great/good] the ones that look some other way those are bad ones. Isn’t that interstellar racism? … Take a step back. Aren’t the good ones always the pretty blond ones with the big breasts… I find it appalling … are we really going to stay on that cycle of taking racism and turning it into alienism?
Now it’s important to note here that Tompkins in his autobiography and subsequent interviews was giving a descriptive account of two different extraterrestrial groups that Navy spies had discovered in relation to Nazi Germany’s secret aerospace programs.
The human looking-extraterrestrials operated in a more benign ethical way with civilians, while the Reptilian aliens behaved in a more imperialistic manner, wanting the Nazis to develop space fleets as a mercenary force that could join the Reptilians in deep space conquest.
Tompkins accounts of what the Navy spies were relaying during his covert service from 1942 to 1946, was based on trained intelligence operatives taking special note of the different actors and forces involved in helping the Nazis. The spies then reported this in detailed debriefings, which Tompkins had to relay in briefing documents to different U.S. aerospace corporations.
It’s important to note that Tompkins accounts of the aliens are very descriptive as would be expected in an intelligence gathering program, rather than emotional or philosophical accounts of them. Therefore it is mistaken to imply that Tompkins and the Navy spies were implicitly racists, whose deep biases led to them promoting alienism when reporting on different extraterrestrial races involved in Nazi aerospace programs.
In his response to a question about the veracity of the testimonies of Goode and Tompkins, Greer raises the issue of corroboration, and refers to both of their testimonies being contaminated by “seductive and interesting” memory scripts:
What am I skeptical of about things that have come our recently from Bill Tompkins and others [Goode]? A lot! Here’s the issue for me. You’ve got to have multiple points of corroboration, and the bigger the tale the more the proof you got to have. Now what I would say is it that I believe that these men are sharing what they believe to be true. I also know how easy it would be to provide information that is scripted about that, and that is seductive and interesting.
As far as “multiple points of corroboration” of Tompkins testimony is concerned, there are indeed documents and witnesses supporting many aspects of his testimony.
First are the documents that Tompkins has released concerning his claims of serving in a covert Navy Intelligence Program run by Rear Admiral Rico Botta with 29 spies in Nazi Germany learning about two Nazi secret space programs. Tompkins released a copy of two passes signed by Botta authorizing him to take multiple packets to experimental aircraft facilities.
Freedom of Information Act documents have been released that confirm that Botta had indeed signed Tompkins documents, and himself traveled to some of the experimental facilities Tompkins later said he was directed to take the briefing packets to.
Second, there is Tompkins testimony that while he worked at Douglas Aircraft Company from 1950 to 1963, he was recruited into a top secret think tank called Advanced Design. He was asked to design space battle groups with kilometers-long space craft capable of fulfilling interplanetary missions, which were covertly sent to the Navy. Tompkins has released multiple Douglas documents, and also has a retired Douglas aerospace scientist, Dr. Robert Wood, confirming that Tompkins did work with the people he claims.
Third, after his retirement from the aerospace industry in 1984, Tompkins moved to Medford, Oregon, where he set up a local Navy League Council around 1991, among whose purposes was to conduct “Special Projects” involving extraterrestrial life. Tompkins released a document confirming that the Rogue Valley Council Navy League did indeed conduct “Special Projects” as he claimed.
Furthermore two retired Navy officers, Captain Larry Boeck and Commander Art Lumley confirmed in private interviews that Tompkins did often speak about extraterrestrial life at Navy League meetings, and the Special Projects Committee did exist. A third Navy officer, Rear Admiral Larry Marsh, who was active at the time, traveled down from his two naval commands in Seattle, Washington, to Medford in 1991 to officiate at the opening ceremony for Navy League Council created by Tompkins.
Marsh confirmed in a private interview that Tompkins was a very competent organizer in creating the Council, and that the Council was very important to the regular Navy. He finally added that Tompkins was very knowledgeable on topics of interest to the Navy, which was a cryptic way of acknowledging that Tompkins was indeed conducting Special Projects at Medford.
Greer’s insistence that “multiple points of corroboration” are required for testimonies such as Tompkins, is more than satisfied by what is known so far about Tompkins in terms of documents and corroborating witnesses. Greer fails to acknowledge any of the above “multiple points of corroboration” for Tompkins testimony, and instead simply makes the assertion that Tompkins testimony is contaminated by false memory scripts about evil Reptilian aliens and benevolent human looking extraterrestrials with no direct evidence whatsoever.
Greer’s critiques of Tompkins and Goode (see part one), fails to be persuasive since he provides no direct evidence in terms of documents or witnesses that specifically identify either of them as having received scripted memories about evil aliens through psychotronic holographic technologies.
More importantly, there is no evidence that Tompkins was ever subjected to any kind of military abduction program where such technologies were used. Greer’s arguments to this end are based purely on conjecture. He makes a tenuous connection between military programs known to use psychotronic holographic technologies to induce fearful images of aliens, to Tompkins testimony simply on the grounds that Tompkins discloses the behavior of a predatory species of extraterrestrials known to have covertly operated on Earth since at least World War II.
Without providing concrete evidence, Greer is essentially attempting to discredit a highly credentialed witness for the simple reason that his testimony doesn’t fit in with Greer’s cosmic world view that the only bad alien is in the human imagination.
The conclusion that emerges is that Greer perceives the testimonies of Goode and Tompkins as threat, not because they give impetus to plans for a false flag alien invasion, but they threaten Greer’s “limited disclosure” narrative. Greer’s disclosure narrative is based on ideas of repressed antigravity and free energy technologies, benign extraterrestrial contact, abusive military abductions using advanced technologies that are part of a secret military space program, and debunking evidence of secret government/military agreements with predatory alien species.
In contrast, Goode and Tompkins’ information amounts to “full disclosure”, which goes well beyond Greer’s “limited disclosure narrative” insofar as they reveal the history of different agreements between governments and predatory extraterrestrial races going back to the World War II era, the systemic human rights abuses that have emerged due to these agreements, the wide range in behaviors of between 40-60 different extraterrestrial civilizations interacting with surface humanity and hidden inner-Earth civilizations, and finally the existence of multiple secret space programs, some of which operate in deep space with interstellar battle groups.
As far as the false flag alien invasion that Greer claims is being unwittingly promoted by Goode and Tompkins, I found the following comment by Goode particularly helpful in understanding current plans for staging a false flag alien event:
Believing that ALL ET’s are GOOD is more dangerous than the worry about people’s fear of EVIL ET’s. This narrative set’s up humanity to follow their genetic and social programming to WORSHIP! The Cabal’s grand deception plan is no longer to bring about a mass fake alien invasion. That was exposed heavily decades ago and is no longer a viable program to execute. This holographic technology is however still viable to use in smaller “theaters of war”. The plan now is to introduce humanity to a “Angelic and Human Like” ET group and have people worship these so-called “angelic ET’s” who bring us a “New Cosmic Esoteric World Religion”.
Goode’s assessment here is consistent with recent statements by Vatican theologians and astronomers that extraterrestrial life may be more ethically evolved than humanity.
This is exemplified in a conversation Greer had with deceased Vatican exorcist, Monsignor Corrado Balducci about the alleged alien threat:
Now when I was at the Vatican having a theological conversation with Monsignor Balducci … [he] was a senior theologian, actually demonologist for the Pope, Pope John Paul, and we were talking about this and he said this is so ridiculous, of course if they were a threat it would all be over, and he said, I love it with classic Italian flourish … he said, “lower than humanity there cannot exist in the universe.” It was hilarious. It was a very interesting perspective from this senior theologian.
Greer’s relating of the conversation indicated no attempt on his part to correct or challenge Balducci’s claim that ALL extraterrestrials in the universe are more ethically evolved than humans. Rather than challenge such an assumption contrary to thousands of witness reports of invasive alien abductions, Greer thought it hilarious and a “very interesting perspective.”
Greer’s response is not surprising given his transparent bias towards the idea that all extraterrestrials visiting Earth are positive, and more highly evolved than humanity.
More importantly, Greer’s conversation with Balducci signifies his alignment with recent Vatican initiatives to promote the idea that extraterrestrials are our “brothers in Christ.” In an October 27, 2014 statement by Pope Francis, he said that extraterrestrials can be part of the plans of “God the creator” in the evolutionary process.
As Goode warns, however, the current plan for a false flag alien event has evolved from an invasion scenario, which is no longer tenable, to angelic looking extraterrestrials appearing that help establish a “New Cosmic Esoteric World Religion”.
This is precisely what researchers Tom Horn and Chris Horn have been claiming the Catholic Church is preparing for in a future announcement about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and secret plans to incorporate an alien component into its theological orthodoxy. The extraterrestrials would become a cosmic mid-wife helping humanity get closer to God through a “New Cosmic Esoteric World Religion.” Predictably, this would lead to the establishment of a priesthood and missionaries that could carry the new message to the stars.
This is how Horn and Putnam describe the Vatican plan for an alien savior to kick start a new global religion:
The investigation you are reading uncovers this clandestine blueprint … and along the way, an astonishing exotheological plan by the Vatican itself for the arrival of an alien savior intelligence …and its connection with Petrus Romanus, the Final Pope. Pope Benedict resigned as this book headed to the printer. By now, the world knows who Petrus Romanus is. But do you know his role for the alien savior? (Exovaticana, pp. 337-38).
Ironically, rather than the testimonies of Goode and Tompkins facilitating a false flag alien invasion as Greer claims in his November 13 lecture, Greer’s criticisms and limited disclosure narrative is instead facilitating a false flag alien savior event that would feature extraterrestrials helping humanity in a way that leads to the establishment of a “New Cosmic Esoteric World Religion.”
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Are Secret Space Program Disclosures Prelude to a False Flag Alien Invasion?
- Exopolitics versus Exospin: A Response to Dr Steven Greer
- Leaked Document Recommends False Flag Alien Invasion to save Clinton Campaign
- Trump Victory Due to FBI Stopping False Flag Alien Invasion
- Will Vatican declaration of an alien savior spark a religious war?
- Pope endorses evolution of alien life & UFO activity as part of God’s plan
- Pope Francis to announce extraterrestrial savior according to new book
alien savior, Chris Putnma, Corey Goode, extraterrestrials, false flag alien invasion, Pope Francis, Steven Greer, Tom Horn, Vatican, William Tompkins