Tag: Corey Goode
A consortium of extraterrestrial races conducting long term genetic engineering of humanity has been told to end its historic interference according to Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode. As a result of this, and related “galactic diplomacy” developments, he says that humanity is about to embark...
Possible New Source on Discovery of Frozen City under Antarctic Ice
A possible new source has come forward with corroborating information about the discovery of a large frozen city two miles under the Antarctic ice, located roughly 16 miles from the geographic South Pole. The breakthrough to the city occurred in August 2016, according to this latest source, and it...
Illegal Military Research and Development in Antarctica
The U.S. military industrial complex has been conducting military research and development in Antarctica that grossly violates the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode. In previous updates he has described his two visits to Antarctica and the secret excavations...
Was Hurricane Irma Steered by Maser Satellites in Weather War against USA?
Into the early morning hours of September 11, Hurricane Irma lashed the Tampa Bay region of Florida for nearly four hours with its destructive force. Not only has Irma caused millions of civilians to flee Southern Florida, but has also led to the mandatory evacuation of military personnel from Tampa’s...
US Special Forces Arrest Satanic Pedophile Group – the Antarctica Connection
According to a retired FBI and career military source, US Special Forces acting under the authority of the Department of Defense and with other global military authorities have been arresting members of a Satanic pedophile group that has infiltrated multiple levels of government in the United States,...
Secret Space Program Whistleblowers Under Scrutiny – Response to Richard Dolan
On July 16, leading UFO historian, Richard Dolan, released an article setting out his views about how to assess individuals who have claimed to have direct knowledge and experience concerning secret space programs. He explains his sympathy for the view that such programs exist, and that people have...
Slave Colony on Mars Claim goes Mainstream
On June 29, Alex Jones, host of Infowars.com, interviewed Robert David Steele, a former U.S. Marine Corps and CIA clandestine services official, who volunteered insider information about secret events on Mars. Steele told Jones about a slave colony on Mars, and the existence of “20 years and out”...
Corey Goode on Nordic Extraterrestrials working with Religious Leaders for Disclosure
The following answers were received from Corey Goode on June 26 in response to questions I sent to him about information he shared recently in an article about the Vatican being involved in an extraterrestrial disclosure initiative. In his responses, he provides further details about what he has been...
Hoax Secret Space Program Investigation Exposed by Documents & IT Experts
Daniel Liszt, founder of the Dark Journalist website, has published eight videos to date that have been highly critical of Corey Goode’s claims of being a secret space program whistleblower, and having been chosen as a delegate for a group of extraterrestrials he calls the Sphere Being Alliance. Liszt’s...
Wife of Secret Space Program Whistleblower Emerges with Corroborating Eyewitness Testimony
Corey Goode’s wife Stacy has stepped forward to give her first public interview where she describes her own personal experiences pertaining to Corey’s claims of having served in multiple secret space programs. Her testimony is very significant since it provides an eyewitness account of events that...
As Corey Goode Secret Space Program Claims go Viral Critics Step up Attacks
Corey Goode has had a remarkable rise to public prominence since first appearing in late 2014 as a whistleblower offering detailed testimony about his term of service in multiple secret space programs for 20 years. Since July 2015, he has been featured on Gaia TV’s weekly Cosmic Disclosure series...
Antarctica and Imprisoned Fallen Angels from the Book of Enoch
On March 14, Israeli News Live published a provocative story titled “The Fallen Angels Imprisoned in Antarctica and are still Alive.” The commentator, Steven Ben-Nun, analyzed the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which describes the experiences of Enoch, a pre-deluvian biblical figure, who was taken into...