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Tag: Nordic extraterrestrials

Exploring President Eisenhower’s Close Encounters

Paul Blake Smith has extensively researched historical records, whistleblower testimony, and documentary evidence that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had multiple close encounters with extraterrestrials. These encounters may have begun as early as 1948/1949 when he was working with the Truman administration,...

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Military Witness videotapes a Flying Saucer

My long time contact JP has sent me a compelling video of an antigravity craft he personally witnessed and recorded on the night of February 6, 2021. The video shows a flying saucer shaped craft flying over North Carolina. JP is currently serving with a branch of the US military, and wishes to maintain...

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Flying Triangles at MacDill AFB & Hurricane Irma

The first two segments of a four part audio interview series with JP, who has been releasing photos of flying triangles, flying rectangles, flying saucers and other antigravity craft witnessed in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, and Orlando, Florida, is now available on ExoNews TV.  JP...

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