Clinton Pledge to Release UFO Files & Sanders Vatican Visit – Prelude to Disclosure?
On April 8, one day after the Hillary Clinton campaign again raised the importance of the public learning the truth about classified UFO files, her chief rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, announced that he was accepting an invitation to give a speech at a Vatican Conference on April 15 at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. This is the same venue that Vatican astronomers have organized events to discuss the implications of discovering extraterrestrial life.
While the two Presidential campaign announcements may appear at first to be unrelated, a closer inspection raises another possibility. The announcements are related to two different UFO disclosure narratives pursued by competing global elites with influence over the two major Democratic candidates.
In a CNN interview on April 7, Clinton’s campaign chief, John Podesta, said:
The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what’s going on with unidentified aerial phenomena.
Back on December 30, 2015, Hillary Clinton gave an interview referring to a pledge she had given to Podesta, to publicly release what the government knows about UFOs, and to launch an investigation of Area 51.
He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.
In his April 7 interview, Podesta revealed more about the pledge Clinton had given him:
What I’ve talked to the secretary about, and what she’s said now in public, is that if she’s elected president, when she gets into office, she’ll ask for as many records as the United States federal government has to be declassified, and I think that’s a commitment that she intends to keep and that I intend to hold her to.
If this all sounds like deja vous, it is because a Clinton Presidency has been down the UFO disclosure track before. It is a matter of public record that in January 1993, President Bill Clinton entrusted family friend, Webster Hubbell, over at the Justice Department with the job of finding out the answer to two questions: “One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs?”
In his memoirs, Friends in High Places, Hubbell revealed that he failed to make any progress in finding the answers Clinton was seeking. Hubble was eventually jailed for overbilling clients while in private practice.
Documents later released through the Freedom of Information Act confirm that Hillary Clinton had, in 1995, become the lead person in an initiative by Laurence Rockefeller, to have the Clinton administration release classified UFO files.
Significantly, Podesta’s April 7 CNN appearance confirmed that a UFO disclosure initiative had occurred during his tenure with the Clinton administration:
Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, said the 42nd president once “asked for some information about some of these things, and in particular, some information about what was going on at Area 51.”
According to Dr. Steven Greer, Hillary nixed the UFO disclosure effort when it was decided that it would ruin her husband’s 1996 re-election campaign. With the failure of the Rockefeller UFO disclosure initiative, Podesta and the rest of the Clinton administration focused on political survival in the face of the growing Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Podesta briefly returned to public office as White House Counselor to President Obama in 2014. At the end of a one year term, he left in February 2015 to take charge of the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign. That’s when he made his famous statement that he had once again failed to secure UFO disclosure:
Clearly, Podesta was suggesting that powerful forces had prevented UFO disclosure from happening under the Obama administration. Significantly, Obama himself went on air with Jimmy Kimmel and alluded to these powerful forces preventing disclosure, when he “joked” that aliens were controlling how much of the truth could be revealed.
Now, if we are to believe the narrative coming out from the current Clinton campaign, Hillary has pledged to make UFO disclosure a priority because Podesta has convinced her to do so. Given Podesta’s central role in a future Clinton Administration disclosure initiative, what kind of UFO disclosure can we expect from Clinton and Podesta?
Podesta is a well-known fan of Chris Carter’s X-Files, which was rebooted in 2016 with six new episodes. The main premise of the series relaunch was that classified UFO files were based on secret space programs that had been reverse engineered from the discovery of a crashed extraterrestrial craft.
The first episode of the series reboot aired on January 24 to an audience of more than 16 million. In it, Agent Mulder gave a lengthy monologue about a vast secret government conspiracy to hide the truth about extraterrestrial life, reverse engineered space craft, alien retroviruses, and the 911 false flag attack.
Podesta’s long time fascination with the X-Files series suggests that the pilot episode for the new series lays a plausible foundation for a future UFO disclosure narrative, coming out of a new Clinton White House. The narrative is likely to focus on mysterious elite groups using advanced technologies in ways that deceive the world into believing aliens are behind the abduction phenomenon.
To promote such a UFO disclosure narrative as President, Clinton must first overcome the surging candidacy of Bernie Sanders.
On April 8, it was announced that Sanders had accepted an invitation from the Vatican to speak next week a conference on social, economic and environmental issue organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Controversy immediately arose with a Bloomberg News story over whether Sanders had been invited or had invited himself. In turns out that the invitation had come from a senior Vatican official and Chancellor of the Academy who had not informed its President.
The Pontifical Academy is no stranger to the issue of extraterrestrial life. Since November 2009, Vatican astronomers have played a prominent role in astrobiology conferences discussing the societal implications of the discovery of alien life, and how such a discovery would cause no problem with Catholic theology.
Pope Francis himself has made clear that he views the discovery of extraterrestrial life as an event that would not cause theological problems, even if it were realized that extraterrestrials, rather than “God,” had played a direct role in creating humanity. On October 28, 2014, during a speech at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope discussed the evolution of life, and the role of extraterrestrials, which he euphemistically referred to as “beings of the universe,” as agents in God’s evolutionary plan:
He [God] created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive and their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality. And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things.
There has been much more happening behind the scenes at the Vatican in terms of it preparing humanity for future announcements concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life. The Vatican was a sponsor of a UNICEF video that promotes tolerance for extraterrestrial life.
According to Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, authors of Exo-Vaticana, the Vatican plans to manipulate the issue of extraterrestrial life, in order to promote a new global religion based on an alien savior. Dr. Preston James has written, according to his insider sources, that the Vatican indeed has made contact with a group of extraterrestrials which could play such a role:
Some Vatican insiders have claimed that top Vatican Clerics have already established secret relationships and treaties with a certain alien ET group that presents itself as friendly to the human race and claims it can save it from the evil empire of the Bankster-owned and -controlled Hierarchy….
Dr. James concludes that the Vatican plans to lead a global disclosure initiative on extraterrestrial life:
From all indications so far, these coming disclosures will involve the top Clericals at the Vatican and will occur through the Catholic Church itself publicly …
The invitation to Bernie Sanders to give a speech at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, suggests Vatican insiders view Sanders as a more suitable candidate for disclosing what the Vatican, and other governments, want the general public to know about alien life and the UFO issue. It is very possible that Sanders will receive a confidential Vatican briefing on what it would like released to the world in the form of UFO disclosure, which focuses on extraterrestrial life, rather than advanced technologies.
Podesta’s and Clinton’s most recent public statements on the government releasing classified UFO files, and Sanders’ speech next week at an upcoming Vatican conference, suggests at least two UFO/alien disclosure narratives are being secretly developed by competing factions of global elites.
One faction, linked to the Rockefeller family, prefers to release information about advanced technologies related to the UFO phenomenon, which presumably would lead to disclosure of secret space programs, which have been in operation since the 1980’s. On the other hand, another faction, closely associated with the Vatican, wishes to concentrate on the existence of extraterrestrial life, as a means of establishing a new global religion with alien elements.
Classified UFO files, thanks to Clinton and Podesta’s efforts, are slowly emerging as a campaign issue. Sanders likely exposure to disclosure related issues during his April 15 speech at the Vatican organized conference, raises the possibility that he in future will openly discuss the issue of extraterrestrial life during his campaign. The current trail of evidence suggests 2016 Presidential elections are shaping up to be a prelude to UFO disclosure, where the world learns some of the truth about extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, and/or secret space programs.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Hillary’s missing emails and classified UFO files
- Will Hillary make UFO files a Presidential campaign issue?
- Pope endorses evolution of alien life & UFO activity as part of God’s plan
- Vatican linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life
- Will Vatican declaration of an alien savior spark a religious war?
Bernie Sanders, extraterrestrial life, Hillary Clinton, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Francis, UFO disclosure, UFOs, Vatican