Is Discovery of an Ancient Ark driving the escalating Ukraine conflict?
On March 19, 2003, two months after I wrote my first research paper on “The Need for Exopolitics,” the US led a multinational coalition into Iraq. I quickly learned that the real reason for the invasion was very different from the declared public rationale—to stop Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction. The US sought to take control of a ‘stargate’ and ancient cuneiform texts filled with information about extraterrestrial technologies found in the remains of buried Sumerian cities.
Today we are being told that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is all about it protecting Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine from rabid Ukrainian ultra-nationalists being encouraged by the US. The real reason, once again, is more about exopolitics than either of the two narratives coming from both sides in the rapidly worsening conflict. It has been claimed that an ancient space ark has been found in Ukraine, and Russia wants to assert control. What are the space arks, and why are they suddenly being found now all over our solar system and on Earth, after millennia of lying dormant?
We are on the cusp of an exopolitics revolution, where information concerning extraterrestrial life is going mainstream. The James Webb Space Telescope has just deployed and, by July 2022, will start relaying data about exoplanets. It’s expected to detect biosignatures, which will wake up the long-sleeping academic community that intelligent extraterrestrial life can be found throughout our galaxy. Also, the US military and intelligence community are creating a joint office for investigating UAPs (aka UFOs) in response to Congressional legislation passed in December 2021. These UAPs are officially depicted as a national security threat, thereby laying the groundwork for a military response and increased spending. Could this lead to a hoaxed alien invasion—something that has been predicted since the mid-1990s?
Today, the Artemis Accords and increasing cooperation between the Space Commands of a bloc of US-led nations is taking us into a Star Trek future. One where humanity’s open expansion into space will take place in a way that is predicated on US dominance and western values, thereby preventing China from becoming the preeminent space power. Deals have been struck with extraterrestrial organizations to recognize US leadership as humanity takes responsibility for our solar system. How and why was the US chosen to play this role?
At the same time as these agreements were being made, large fleets of ancient extraterrestrial visitors arrived to watch humanity’s ‘graduation’ into the galactic community. Their arrival has triggered the activation of ancient space arks, which carry the secrets of long-forgotten civilizations and technologies stretching back tens of thousands, if not millions of years. The visitors are closely watching humanity’s collective response to the discovery of the ancient arks. Will discoveries of the arks and the race to control them lead to a new major global war or increased international cooperation predicated on disclosing what is being found? Is the discovery of an ancient ark really driving the conflict in Ukraine?
Join me this Saturday as I tackle these and many other questions about what is coming in 2022 and beyond, and the coming exopolitics paradigm shift in my first webinar for 2022.
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Webinar Trailer
More information about the February 26 Webinar is available here.
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