Mars Slave Labor Controversy Builds with More Whistleblower Testimony
Robert David Steele, a former official for both the CIA and US Marine Corps Intelligence, made global headlines when he was interviewed by Alex Jones on June 29, and said that according to his confidential sources, there are slave colonies on Mars using individuals who had been kidnapped from Earth as children. Steele pointed out that the children were taken to Mars via “a 20 year ride”, the purpose of which was to ensure they were adults who could be put to work upon arrival.
The idea of slave colonies on Mars was first discussed in Alternative 3, a “fiction based on fact” book authored by a former British journalist, Leslie Watkins, which was published in 1978. He had investigated the extraordinary claims that had been first presented in Alternative 3, an episode of a British television documentary series called Science Report, which aired on June 20, 1977.
The Alternative 3 television show described how the deterioration of global environmental conditions had led to the major powers, US and USSR, secretly collaborating behind the scenes to ensure survival of the human species. To this end, the US and USSR had secretly established colonies on Mars in the early 1970’s and were populating it by whatever means possible.
The show was declared to be a hoax intended for release on April Fool’s day, but many viewers thought otherwise. This included Watkins whose investigation uncovered more information that led him to writing the book, Alternative 3.
Watkins says that he met with a deep throat source called “Trojan” who supplied alleged documents revealing that the existence of Mars colonies was very real, and people were being secretly taken there, some by force and kidnapping.
For obvious reasons, we cannot reveal the identity of Trojan. Nor can we give any hint about his function or status in the operation. We are completely satisfied, however, that his credentials are authentic and that, in breaking his oath of silence, he is prompted by the most honourable of motives. He stands in relation to the Alternative 3 conspiracy in much the same position as the anonymous informant ‘Deep Throat’ occupied in the Watergate affair. [Kindle Locations 269-272].
Watkins described two categories of people being taken to Mars according to Trojan:
These professionals, we have now established, have been classifying people selected for the Alternative 3 operation into two categories: those who are picked as individuals and those who merely form part of a ‘batch consignment.’ There have been several ‘batch consignments’ and it is the treatment meted out to most of these men and women which provides the greatest cause for outrage. [Kindle Locations 300-303].
Watkins describes how people taken as part of a “batch consignment” to Mars become a pool of slave labor. He gave as an example a small group of 20 individuals who were forcibly taken there:
Most of the missing 20 were described as being ‘hippy types’ although there were some older people among them. People of this calibre, we have now discovered, have been what is known as ‘scientifically adjusted’ to fit them for a new role as a slave species. Watkins, Leslie (2015-12-14T22:58:59). ALTERNATIVE 3: The 1978 Cult Sci-Fi Classic Republished with New Material (Kindle Locations 352-354].
In the foreword to the 2015 republished version of his book, Watkins’ son, Graham, provided statistics to help substantiate Watkins’ claim of kidnapped children being taken to Mars in large numbers:
In 2010, 692,941 people were reported missing in the USA alone – 531, 928 under the age of 18 and it must be realised that, if any were destined for Mars, ‘catching ‘em young’ would make sense. The extra working years they had ahead of them more than justified the costs of getting them in the right condition. [Kindle Locations 49-52].
The next researcher to discuss a base on Mars that may have involved slave labor was William Cooper who had served on the intelligence briefing team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet from 1970 to 1973. He was given an honorable discharge in 1975, after a 14 year military career with both the US Air Force and Navy.
Cooper said that he had access to U.S. Navy intelligence files and based on what he had seen was able to confirm in a 1989 paper that Alternative 3 was very real, and that a joint US-USSR space program had been set up to ensure continuity of Government. Cooper said that May 22, 1962 was the date of the first US/USSR landing on Mars, but said he was unable to confirm or deny that batch assignments of human slaves were occurring!
Also in 1989, an electrics contractor, Al Bielek, came forward to allege that he and another individual (Duncan Cameron) were taken to Mars through a jump room or teleportation device located at Montauk, Long Island, New York. In interviews, Bielek confirmed the accuracy of the Alternative 3 scenario involving the establishment of bases on the surface of Mars for a continuity of species program involving the US and possibly the USSR.
Bielek said he and Cameron were sent by teleportation technology into ancient bases in the interior of Mars on multiple occasions. He described these bases as approximately 20,000 years, built by human looking extraterrestrials and long ago deserted.
Bielek discusses how missing children were used in the Montauk experiments as test subjects. Some of the children were given away as slaves to some extraterrestrial groups. This suggested slave labor was in widespread usage in secret space programs, just as the Alternative 3 book claimed.
The next significant researcher to discuss slave labor being used on Mars was a Bulgarian engineer, Vladimir Terziski, who had gained access to many intelligence documents released during the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. During this time, many former Warsaw Pact intelligence officials sold classified documents to make ends meet during a difficult transition period from communism to capitalist societies.
In the early 1990’s, Terziski began giving lectures in the US in which he shared the contents of Nazi SS files that referred to Germany’s secret space program in occupied Europe and Antarctica. Terziski described how in 1942 the most advanced aerospace technologies were relocated to Antarctica, leaving behind the less developed turbo-jet flying saucer prototypes that had failed to be weaponized for the war effort.
Terziski shared what he learned about Nazi Germany’s secret missions to the Moon and Mars, including the large Haunebu III spacecraft that made the first trip to Mars in April 1945, and was followed by other missions that eventually established German colonies on Mars.
Terziski refers to slave labor eventually being taken to Mars, just as the Germans had earlier taken thousands of slave laborers to their Antarctica redoubt. Indeed, it was out of Antarctica that the German secret space program reached its fullest potential and the Fourth Reich became a powerful covert force in global affairs.
The scenario described by Terziski is very different to that described in Alternative 3. Those responsible for slave labor on Mars were a German breakaway group operating out of Antarctica, rather than the US/USSR kidnapping people in a feverish attempt to establish a Mars colony out of fear of imminent planetary devastation on Earth.
If Terziski’s account is accurate, then Alternative 3 was designed to reveal part of the truth about slave labor on Mars, but hide the existence of a German breakaway civilization using flying saucer technologies with bases on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere in our solar system.
It’s also possible that the situations described in the Alternative 3 book and Terziski were occurring simultaneously. This would mean that a highly advanced German space program was the first to establish a foothold on Mars in the 1940’s, and was followed two decades later by a joint US/USSR program. Both of these space programs used slave labor, but the German program was presumably the older and more advanced program.
Bielek was followed over a decade later by others making similar claims of being teleported to Mars in secret space program run by US entities. The list includes Michael Relfe (2000), Arthur Neumann (2006), Andy Basiago (2010) and William “Brett” Stillings (2011).
None of these individuals say they witnessed or were exploited as slave labor on Mars. All reported working at or seeing bases on Mars, but none witnessed a German presence.
It was another whistleblower, Corey Goode, in early 2015 who started describing slave labor on Mars that he had directly witnessed during a “20 and back” program from 1987 to 2007 on several occasions when he visited Martian facilities to conduct repairs.
Goode says that he took part in an inspection tour of Mars on June 20,, 2015 where he saw evidence of abusive treatment of workers who were treated as slave labor. This coincided with meetings conducted by the British Interplanetary Society discussing such a situation, and the passage of legislation by the US Congress which effectively gave legal protection to companies and officials involved in off-planet slave labor until 2022.
According to Goode, the slave labor practices used on Martian bases was a carry-over from the earlier German colonies. He says that as a result of secret agreements between the Eisenhower administration and the Germans in Antarctica, the German Mars facilities were transformed into a joint venture led by leading German companies associated with the Fourth Reich, that worked closely with US corporations who provided personnel and resources.
These transnational corporate off-planet projects would in time evolve into what Goode describes as the “Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate“. The U.S. military would covertly supply personnel to the corporate conglomerate on Mars and elsewhere, similar to how Special Forces personnel are contracted out the CIA for clandestine operations.
The possibility that corporations are deeply involved in secret space programs that use millions of people as slave labor was boosted by the testimony of William Pawelec, a computer operations and programming expert who gave permission for a video interview only to be released after his death – it was posthumously published on December 14, 2010.
Pawelec was involved in the development of RFID tracking chips that could be used to protect children from kidnapping as he described in his video interview:
At the time in the security industry, a lot of us had a lot of concerns about tracking and locating people that had been kidnapped. Particularly what was going on in Europe at the time where we were having NATO officers, even the Prime Minister of Italy, kidnapped … These people were drained [of information] or they were brutalized or both… One of the goals of the industry was to develop technology that would allow us to track these people or locate them quickly.
Pawelec described how the Siemens Corporation, a company that used slave labor in Nazi Germany for its weapons programs, produced billions of RFID tracking chips in the early 1980’s. Siemens set up a Silicon Valley front-company to produce these tracking chips in a manner designed to hide their true purpose – tracking slave labor used in secret space programs by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, of which Siemens is a very prominent member.
This finally brings us back to Steele’s statement about slave labor on Mars where three confidential sources revealed to him that this really exists, and that children are kidnapped with the intent of eventually being taken to Mars as slave labor. Steele’s information helps corroborate the growing body of research and testimonies which suggests that a flourishing off-planet slave trade exists.
Steele is currently exposing global pedophilia rings that exploit children in schemes used to entrap high level officials so they can be easily controlled by the “Deep State”, or what others describe as the Cabal or Illuminati. It should therefore not come as a great surprise that such exploitation also extends out into deep space and is run by an “Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate”, as Goode contends.
Secret bases on Mars and elsewhere exploit millions of children and adults as forced labor. Exposing such programs, and corporations such as Siemens involved in them, is a major step in stopping such injustices, bringing the perpetrators to justice, and beginning the process of compensating the many victims of these crimes in space.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Slave Colony on Mars Claim goes Mainstream
- Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base
- US Congress Passes Bill Protecting Slave Labor on Mars & Corporate Space Colonies
- Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials
- Overthrowing a Mars Colony Dictator: British Elite Prepare for the Real Thing
- Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
- Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program
- Siemens Implicated in Tracking Forced Labor & Slaves in Space
Antarctica, Mars, Robert David Steele, secret space programs, slave labor