Tag: secret space programs
On December 8, 2020, during the waning days of Donald Trump’s first Presidential administration, Prof Haim Eshed, the father of Israel’s space program, revealed that Trump had been working with the Galactic Federation (of Worlds) to bring about extraterrestrial disclosure. Trump wanted to move ahead...
The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and the Return of Jedi Admirals
The US Navy began developing a Secret Space Program in the 1950s with the assistance of human-looking extraterrestrials embedded within top aerospace companies such as Douglas Aircraft, Rockwell, and TRW. After two decades of R & D on antigravity, nuclear fusion, and torsion field propulsion systems,...
JP Update 36 – Stargate for Huge SSP craft witnessed at a US Military Base Hangar
In his latest update, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, says that he was part of a small contingent of three soldiers ordered to take military equipment to a hangar at a major military base. He says that after passing through strict security at the hangar, similar to conventional airport...
Dyson Spheres, Russia-US Collaboration and Galactic effort to raise Humanity’s Consciousness
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 18, 2024
“More info on US Army Insider Missions Volume 1 by JP
Dozens of possible Dyson Spheres discovered all over our galaxy.
Did Russia and the US collaborate in developing Modern SSPs? – Webinar Highlights
Jason Sands,...
Uncovering Ancient Atlantean Ruins: Exploring Evolutionary Pathways and Psychic Phenomenon
Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 11, 2024
Detailed information on ancient Atlantean ruins and technologies in Dark Journalist episode: “Hacking Atlantis: The Craze In The HotZone!
Two eyewitness accounts of Aliens Attacking Secret Space Program supersoldiers
Russia’s Secret Space Program: Its Enigmatic Psi-Corps & Non-Human Connection
During WWII, the Soviet Union learned of the great advances made by Nazi Germany in developing powerful aerospace technologies with the help of extraterrestrials, and how German nationalists and secret societies established a breakaway colony in Antarctica. The Soviets also learned that the Germans...
Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances
On May 4th Dr. Michael Salla will be hosting another mind expanding webinar. this one is on Russia’s secret space program, elusive psi-corps and ET Alliances. This is a short trailer to introduce you to the origins, history, and capabilities of Russia’s SSP and what it means today for coming...
The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets
According to John Warner IV, the US military-industrial complex has for decades hidden the truth about encounters with extraterrestrial life and technology, and the existence of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that survived the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945. Advanced technologies acquired...
3 Days to UFO Crash Retrievals and Secret Space Programs Webinar
Investigative reporter Michael Schellenberger has just released a new article describing at least 30 whistleblowers who have officially come forward to describe their participation in classified programs involving retrieved UFOs and non-human intelligence. These whistleblowers have spoken to members...
The Hidden History of UFO Crash Retrievals & Secret Space Programs
This is the trailer to the Sept 30 webinar: “From UFO Crash Retrievals to Present Day Secret Space Programs.”
Watch on YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute & Odysee
For more webinar info click here or banner below
Many thanks to Jas Marlin for creating this inspiring video, and to...
From UFO Crash Retrievals to Present Day Secret Space Programs
Learn how key historical events involving extraterrestrial visitation have led to today’s mindbogglingly advanced secret space programs. Find out who really controls Earth’s greatest military forces in space and their agenda for humanity. While society is in turmoil across the globe, are plans underway...
Audiobook Now Available – US Army Insider Missions 1
[Update: Audiobook Now Available!] In July 2008, I received a phone call from a young man in his twenties who had just returned from Brazil where he had a contact experience with a human-looking group of extraterrestrials he referred to as ‘Nordics’. In the following 15 years, I took extensive notes...