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The Russian Phoenix – Hope or Illusion – An Exopolitical Perspective

Vladimir Putin speaks with his hand on the Constitution during his inauguration ceremony as new Russia's president in Moscow Monday, May 7, 2012.  Putin has been sworn in as Russia's president for a third term after four years as prime minister. (AP Photo/RIA Novosti Kremlin, Vladimir Rodionov, Presidential Press Service)

Under President Vladimir Putin, Russia has witnessed a remarkable rise back to becoming a first rate military power capable of challenging U.S. hegemony around the world. More importantly, Russia is a key element of a global alliance (BRICS) in challenging plans for a New World Order contrived by banking elites that form an “Invisible Government”.  

This Phoenix-like resurgence of Russia has led to competing narratives about it being either a hope for a better planetary future, or conversely an illusory opposition to U.S. hegemony as part of a contrived power dialectic controlled by the Invisible Government. This has led to competing camps who either champion Russia’s policies at a global level, or criticize them as being little more than controlled opposition to the Invisible Government.  

Helping chart a reasonable path through the competing narratives about Russia is a very well thought out article by Dr. Moti Nissani titled “The Russian Phoenix: Hope or Illusion?” Published on February 3, 2016, Nissani examines many of Russia’s ambivalent approaches to helping its citizens, global debt bondage, mass media, the environment, etc.  

What Nissani doesn’t do, however, is consider the exopolitical element behind the Invisible Government. In short, exopolitics is the study of extraterrestrial life and its political implications. If extraterrestrials secretly influence governments, as many researchers and whistleblowers claim, then a study of Russia’s opposition to the Invisible Government needs to consider this possibility. 

Source: Exopolitics Institute

Nissani starts his article with an anecdote of widespread perceptions about Russia by many around the world and numerous analysts: 

When I visit a barbershop in Beirut or Amman, and am asked ‘where are you from?’ (It used to be a painfully confusing and complex question to answer, just a few years ago), I now simply reply: “Russia,” and people come and hug me and say, ‘Thank you.’ 

It is not because Russia is perfect. It is not perfect–as no country on Earth could or should be. But it is because it is standing once more against the Empire, and the Empire has brought so many horrors, so much humiliation, to so many people; to billions of people around the world . . . and to them, to so many of them, anyone who is standing against the Empire, is a hero. This I heard recently, first hand, from people in Eritrea, China, Russia, Palestine, Ecuador, Cuba, Venezuela, and South Africa, to name just a few places.

Nissani contrasts this positive narrative about Russia with another narrative of it being “controlled opposition” to a New World Order, which essentially offers an illusory or false choice. He quotes author Brandon Smith who writes about the false choice between Democratic and Republican parties in the U.S., and how this equally applies to the world arena: 

What truly disturbs me is that our movement can be so awake and aware of the false left/right paradigm while remaining astonishingly naïve and short sighted when it comes to the false East/West paradigm. There are no “sides” in any modern conflict, only proxies fighting on a global chessboard controlled by the same elitist interests…. War is meant to forcefully change the “inertia” of civilization, and thus, forcefully change the direction of civilization in a manner that benefits the engineers of the conflict….” 

 After examining a number of Russian policies that provide fodder for proponents of either narrative, Nissani offers a way out of the dilemma over the correct approach to Russia and its ambivalent policies. 

 He identifies Russia’s timidity and caution in providing a full throated challenge to the “Invisible Government” that controls the U.S. and the world. He offers 11 explanations for this timidity, the second of which he appears to find most persuasive:  

2. A second, more convincing explanation for Russian puzzling timidity is again offered by the Saker: 

“I am sure that Putin fully realizes that, at least potentially, his policy of resistance, sovereignization and liberation can lead to an intercontinental nuclear war and that Russia is currently still weaker than the AngloZionist Empire.  Just as in the times of Stolypin, Russia desperately needs a few more years of peace to develop herself and fully stand up.” 

This leads to Nissani completing his article by raising two questions over how to respond to Russia:  

The first question is: Should we—humanitarians or revolutionaries—sympathize with Russia in its current half-hearted struggle with the Invisible Government? … 

The second question is: Should we dedicate our meager resources exclusively to our own revolutionary program, or should we also divert some resources to Russia’s dubious struggle for building an alternative to the Invisible Government?

He concludes with his final answer to the question of whether Russia presents hope or illusion for the rest of humanity: 

To sum up my own appraisal. Progressives and revolutionaries of every nation on earth ought to sympathize with the Russian government’s struggle against the bankers. However, they cannot realistically expect that government to do their work for them. When it comes to the crucial struggle for survival, freedom, peace, and justice, they are on their own.

Nissani’s article is impressive in its even handed coverage of issues related to Russia’s half-hearted opposition to the Invisible Government. There is, however, a glaring deficiency which is critical for understanding Putin and Russia’s apparent timidity here.  

If the “Invisible Government” comprises mere humans from elite banking families, as Nissani and most contemporary geopolitics researchers assume, then Russian timidity is truly an enigma which at best is simply a survival strategy to gain time to confront the international banking elite, or at worst “controlled opposition” at a global level designed to present an illusory choice to humanity.  

If, however, the “Invisible Government” comprises entities who genetically are more extraterrestrial than human, some of whom can live centuries if not thousands of years, then Putin’s timidity becomes much more understandable. 

This is where the classic books, The Gods of Eden (1993) by William Bramley, and Rule by Secrecy (2001) by Jim Marrs, become helpful in understanding Putin and Russia. Both depict extraterrestrials as having intervened in human affairs since antiquity, and being directly involved in controlling human societies through hybrid rulers that maintained extraterrestrial influenced bloodlines. 

Direct historical support for Bramley and Marrs’s radical thesis comes from the Ancient Egyptian historian Manetho, who wrote about the rule of Gods (extraterrestrials) and Demigods (human-ET hybrids) before the 30 human dynasties began around 3100 BC in Ancient Egypt.

Manetho cited the extremely long lives of the Gods and the Demigods, who first openly ruled human societies, before delegating leadership responsibilities to human elites. This gave birth to the concept of the Divine Right of Kings, who either through direct bloodline and/or extraterrestrial approval, could claim that their crowns were divinely sanctioned. 

Source: Ancient Code

Manetho’s writings therefore give the first historical reference to the “Invisible Government.” At the core of its membership are extraterrestrials and their hybrids who controlled human leaders from behind the scenes, and have done so for over 5000 years! 

This takes us to the modern era and the situation involving extraterrestrials and the Invisible Government. William Tompkins, a retired aerospace engineer, revealed that during World War II, he served on a covert Navy operation that deployed 29 spies in Nazi occupied Europe. The Navy spies not only learned about the secrets behind many advanced Nazi aerospace programs, but also that the Nazis had reached an agreement with a Reptilian extraterrestrial race called the Draconians. 

The Nazi-Draconian alliance led to the establishment of bases in Antarctica in 1939, and after the failed Operation Highjump Navy expedition in 1947, agreements were eventually imposed upon the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. This culminated in multiple secret space programs being developed as described in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances

What the testimony of Tompkins and others described in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs, is that the Soviet Union was left out of the loop when it came to advanced aerospace technologies acquired through secret agreements with Nazis and Reptilians. Essentially, the Invisible Government had chosen the U.S. and its NATO allies as the principal mechanism for establishing a New World Order that would in essence be a covert Fourth Reich

Consequently, the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies directly opposed the agenda of the Fourth Reich/Invisible Government which ultimately prevailed and orchestrated the collapse of the Soviet Union.  

The Phoenix-like re-emergence of Russia once again has led to the Russian people becoming a powerful opponent to the Invisible Government and its many global tentacles as exemplified in institutions such as NATO, European Union, Bilderberg Group, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc.  

However, Russia has lost its former East European allies and now has NATO on its borders, threatening to expand further into former Soviet Republics such as Georgia and Ukraine. This has required Russia taking a far more cautious approach than the former Soviet Union in opposing the NATO/Fourth Reich/Invisible Government agenda.  

Russia has slowly built up a new alliance of nations, the BRICS, in order to oppose the New World Order agenda in the economic sphere. Nevertheless, the Invisible Government through its many tentacles and extraterrestrial elements is a potent adversary, which is highly dangerous.  In his article, Nissani refers to the threat of a nuclear armageddon if Russia directly acts to expose and/or take on the Invisible Government.

In addition to thermonuclear weapons there are even more dangerous “torsion field” weapons developed in compartmentalized programs controlled by the Invisible Government that could be deployed. According to the historian, Dr. Joseph Farrell, these torsion field weapons were first actively developed by Nazi Germany.

If extraterrestrials are indeed a key element in either the composition or conduct of an Invisible Government, then Russia’s response to the latter requires a deeper level of analysis than that provided by Nissani and conventional geopolitical analysts.  

This requires that we move from analyzing geopolitics as a two dimensional game of chess with clearly identified international actors and processes impacting one another, to a three dimensional chess game involving hidden extraterrestrial and non-terrestrial elements.

An exopolitical level of analysis to geopolitics is required that adequately identifies the extraterrestrial and other non-human elements influencing the Invisible Government, and how major nations such as Russia respond to these hidden influences. 

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Draconians, extraterrestrials, Invisible Government, Jim Marrs, Manetho, Moti Nissani, Nazi Germany, Russia, Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin, William Bramley, William Tompkins