Three Days to What’s Coming in 2024: Catastrophic Disclosure Webinar
There is a behind the scenes power struggle between the Deep State and pro-disclosure factions in the US national security system over the extent and pace of revealing the truth behind UFOs. The failed UAP Disclosure Act for 2023 is an example of this factional struggle which led to the gutting of the Act’s most meaningful provisions despite its initial bipartisan support in the US Senate. The Disclosure Act’s gutting puts an end to a “Controlled Disclosure” plan based on the gradual preparation of the US and World populous. Consequently, the door is now open for an unpredictable type of disclosure described as ‘catastrophic’ by a retired US Army Colonel, Karl Nell.
The most widely understood form of ‘catastrophic disclosure’ is where whistleblowers come forward to reveal all they know about special access programs involving non-human intelligence and retrieved spacecraft being secretly studied in corporate and military facilities. However, it’s worth mentioning that there are other types of catastrophic disclosure. One is some kind of false flag alien event that will be used to shock the general public into believing we are under attack by a non-human intelligence.
Another form of catastrophic disclosure is the emergence of non-human intelligence comprising both extraterrestrials or Inner Earth civilizations (aka crypoterrestrials) into public awareness through them parking their spacecraft over major urban centers. Then there are ancient space arks that are activating and are destined to eventually rise into the sky to share their advanced technologies for the benefit of all humanity.
In Saturday’s webinar, I will go into detail into what to expect as 2024 unfolds with very high prospects of some kind of catastrophic disclosure occurring. I will go into detail into the different scenarios, how it impacts different communities, and provide the latest info on how space arks fit into the picture.
It’s definitely worth preparing oneself for all disclosure contingencies and participating in this webinar is a great way to learn of the different scenarios and the key forces that are relevant to the planetary situation before us which is highly volatile and unpredictable.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
New 2.5 Hour Webinar
What’s Coming in 2024: Catastrophic Disclosure
Date: Feb 3, 2024 — 11 am (PDT), 2 pm (EDT), 6 pm (GMT)
Length: 2-hour presentation, plus 30 min Q & A
Cost: $35*
Watch Trailer on YouTube, Rumble, & Odysee
* Please Note: Crowdcast uses Stripe as its credit card payment processor. If you do not have a credit card and wish to use Paypal, click here. If you do not receive any Crowdcast notification email after registering, please login to your Crowdcast account to ensure the webinar is listed in your Joined Events. If the webinar is not listed please contact Angelika Whitecliff for assistance. If you experience difficulties logging in one hour before or during the webinar, please contact Jas Marlin.
Past Webinars
catastrophic disclosure, controlled disclosure, extraterrestrial life, UFOs