Whistleblowers reveal breathable air on Mars & secret corporate bases
Today a transcript was released of an interview featuring Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) who claims to have spent 17 years on Mars in the initial phase of a 20 year tour of duty from 1987 to 2007 with a secret space program. The transcript of the interview conducted on April 8, 2014, makes it possible to more easily compare Cramers claims with that of another more recent whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG), who also says he spent time at secret bases established on Mars during his own 20 year tour of duty over the same time period with another secret space program. A comparison of their testimonies shows consistency in their respective claims of secret bases on Mars run by corporations. Most surprising is that their claims of Mars having a breathable atmosphere hospitable to small animal life and vegetation, is supported by NASA’s own Mars orbiter and rover images.
According to Cramer, the first landing on Mars occurred in the mid 1960s, and led to further exploratory missions before the establishment of a mining operation around 1975 that was run by what he described as the “Mars Colony Corporation”:
My understanding is that we were on Mars the very first time around the mid-60s, but really didnt try to do anything serious, or really prepared to do anything with that until the 1970s. My understanding is that our first exploratory mission that was sent there to stay any length of time was 1970. Then after a few years it was decided that we were ready to go ahead and establish a Mars Colony Corporation foothold, and set up a few settlements and attempt to do some mining, and extract some resources to make it pay for itself. Apparently that was about 1975, when the Mars Colony Corporation set foot on Mars and started its first mining operation.
The military force that Cramer claims to have served under, the “Mars Defense Force,” he says is controlled by the Mars Colony Corporation, and not any regular military space program run by the US or any multinational alliance.
If Cramer is accurate, the situation on Mars is therefore analogous to the scene depicted in the movie Avatar a corporate conglomerate runs mining operations on a moon, Pandora, using contracted military personnel as its own private army. The way Cramer and his division was told to treat the native Martian inhabitants who used minimal advanced technology, again was very similar to Pandora. The native Martians would be attacked if they interfered in any way with the mining operations of the Mars Colony Corporation.
Corey Goode claims that one of five secret space programs he was exposed to during his tour of service is run by an Interstellar Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). He describes it as follows:
Focused mainly on development and aquisition of technology by any means. Develop and Produce Technology for Commerce with Earth and Off World Groups in a Barter System and left nothing off the table that they were willing to trade. Very powerful, very classified, and always had all of the latest technology and Toys at their disposal.
The ICC came into existence around the same time as Cramer claims the Mars Colony Corporation emerged in the mid-1970s. Goode explains how the ICC controls military forces on Mars just as Cramer described the situation with the Mars Defense Force and the Mars Colony Corporation. While the terminology used by Cramer and Goode to describe the corporate entity running Mars differs, the way the corporate entity functions is very similar.
The security personnel that are assigned to Mars serve under corporate leadership according to both Cramer and Goode. The military groups that will be returning to their previous organizations (secret space programs) are kept isolated from the population and personnel who live and work on the corporate colonies, bases and industrial facilities that they protect. In a June 22 report of a recent inspection tour of a Mars corporate facility, Goode describes how the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate had its own security personnel running the base in a manner similar to a draconian police state.
The emergence of private companies to take over significant aspects of secret space programs is a logical development of the secrecy surrounding these programs. The massive funding necessary for establishing and maintaining off-planet space programs cannot come from the normal appropriations process used by the US and other national militaries. The latter have to answer to lawmakers in their funding requests, and typically have to deal with public scrutiny of their official black budget funding of classified programs through the Department of Defense. In 2013, Edward Snowden released NSA files revealing that the black budget used to fund the intelligence community and classified programs was $52.16 billion for fiscal 2013.
The large scale funding required for establishing bases on Mars, or other celestial bodies, would far exceed the $52 billion official black budget, and require going outside the normal Congressional funding process to maintain secrecy, at least in the USA. A 2003 report revealed a second unofficial black budget and estimated it to be an astounding average of $1.7 trillion per year from 1998-2000, At the time, that was more than five times the entire budget for the Department of Defense which in 2001 was $291 billion. The unofficial black budget is almost certainly likely used to fund secret off-world programs such as Mars, the moon and elsewhere.
Companies taking over various aspects of secret space programs could do so without legislative scrutiny and oversight. As long as the companies controlling mining and other aspects of secret space programs could make profits on such activities, then stock holders would be unlikely to pose any long term problem. If Corey Goodes testimony about the existence of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate is accurate, then it appears that many classified space activities and assets are already being exploited for profit.
The most significant similarity between Cramers and Goodes testimonies concerns the Martian atmosphere. According to Cramer, when he landed on Mars, he exited and directly experienced the Martian atmosphere:
It was that particular time that we came out, it was, it felt like a hot day but there was a very cold wind that was blowing and you felt like you came out at 8000 or 9000 feet or something like that. The air was very thin, but totally breathable. I was really quite surprised to be honest, to have them just open up the door and say alright head for that other door and have us walk right outside but we did.
This is what Corey Goode says about his experience on Mars:
There is a thin atmosphere (like being at very high altitudes on Earth) but the atmospheric pressure is very low as is the temperature most of the time. There are times depending on Mars season and weather that make it possible for very short exposure time on the surface…. I would imagine that some have slightly acclimated to it. I would not want to spend any amount of time outside of the light duty suits we wore especially if you were doing anything physically exertive. There were some small wild life and vegetation that we observed in the general location of where the construction was being done.
According to NASA, Mars atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide with only a trace amount of oxygen 0.13% not enough to sustain life. On October 14, 2014, NASAs MAVEN spacecraft, released data about oxygen being released from Mars upper atmosphere into space. According to NASA, this oxygen is due to the breakdown of water and carbon dioxide molecules in the upper atmosphere. Another explanation is that oxygen is being produced on Mars surface by vegetation that varies in size with the seasons, and whose oxygen eventually dissipates as it rises.

Dr Thomas Van Flandern former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory released his research findings about photos from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft that there was current vegetation on Mars in the form of shrubs, and trees that varies with seasons. In an April 5, 2001 Press Conference at the National Press Club, Washington DC., he presented his evidence of vegetation on Mars along with his analysis of evidence of artificial structures.

Van Flandern also revealed the strong opposition to him publishing his findings in peer reviewed scientific journals a clear way to minimize the ground breaking results that there was photographic evidence of life on Mars. Despite Van Flanderns professional standing in the astronomical community, NASA and the scientific community ignored his pioneering research revealing vegetation on Mars that fluctuated with seasons.
There have been a number of Curiosity Rover images that appear to show small animals on the surface of Mars such as lizards, squirrels and even ducks which helps confirm Goode’s claims of small wild life and vegetation. The Curiosity Rover images support Cramers and Goodes claims that Mars has a thin breathable atmosphere. Perhaps, most importantly, their testimonies and Curiosity Rover images confirm that Mars surface is producing oxygen, whose levels fluctuate with the seasons. The oxygen eventually finds its way into the upper atmosphere before being dissipated into space. The oxygen observed by the MAVEN spacecraft is therefore not exclusively a result of the breakdown of water and carbon dioxide, but also due to Mars fluctuating surface oxygen levels.
Another significant aspect of Cramers testimony is his claim that Martian sunsets and sunrises are purple, while the daytime sky is normally red due to the heavy amount of iron oxide in the atmosphere which blocks shorter wavelengths such as blue. Heres what he said about the Mars sunset:
theres a period of time for maybe 15 or 20 minutes depending on the season when the sun is dropping below the horizon and it goes from red to purple. For about 15 mins everything turns this amazing shade of purple.
Again, this matches with Goodes experiences on Mars.
The sky was a light blue to lavender and pinkish especially during sunset when there wasnt a lot of dust in the upper atmosphere (which occurred frequently when we were on the surface).
On May 15, Curiosity Rover made headlines by releasing its first color photos of the Martian sunset. While NASA and the media described these as blue sunsets, as one can easily see in the following video, the overall sky during the sunset takes a progressively purplish tinge as the sun continues to dip towards the horizon. This is similar to what Cramer and Goode claimed, and helps corroborate their testimonies.
To date, there has been no hard evidence or documentation to substantiate Randy Cramers claims. In his interviews he appears sincere, consistent, and attentive to details in the experiences he is describing. Furthermore, his testimony has similarities with other Mars whistleblowers who have come forward such as Michael Relfe and Corey Goode. In particular, the similarities with Relfe’s and Goode’s testimonies suggest that one or more secret space programs exist where personnel are recruited for 20 year tours of duty, before being returned to normal civilian life through age-regression and time travel technologies with their memories removed.
Its highly unlikely that Cramer is making up his testimony, but there is a possibility that some of his recovered memories are implanted screen memories designed to mislead him and others about various aspects of secret space programs. It’s possible that genuine information is mixed with false screen memories in Cramer’s revelations about secret bases on Mars. This is certainly what I believed about Cramer’s bizarre claim of having experienced two head transplants while serving on Mars, until I learned that such a medical procedure is viable and will be soon attempted.
In the absence of hard evidence or documentation to confirm Cramer’s testimony, detailed analysis of his claims such as the color of Martian sunsets/sunrises and a thin breathable Martian atmosphere with scientific data will be helpful. Finally, a cross-comparative study with the claims of other secret space program whistleblowers such as Goode and Relfe, will further help confirm his claims. An earlier comparison with the claims of Goode, showed that there was no possibility of cross contamination, and that their testimonies were genuinely independent. Combining scientific analyses with comparative studies of Cramer’s and other whistleblower testimonies will help reveal the reveal the truth about secret bases on Mars.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Mars Defense Force: Defending Human Colonies – Interview Transcript
- Mars whistleblower reveals more of his covert military service
- Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program
- Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base
- First head-to-body transplant supports bizarre Mars whistleblower claim
- Comparitive Analysis: Corey/GoodETxSG & Randy Cramer/Capt Kaye
- Is that a lizard on Mars why is NASA silent?
- Squirrel on Mars photo goes mainstream evidence of Martian life?
Corey Goode, Mars, moon, NASA, Randy Cramer, secret space programs