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Tag: extraterrestrial life

Q & A Webinar Announcement

Space Arks are real and have recently been confirmed by multiple sources which even extend into Mainstream media coverage. People are seeing probes in the skies and military pilots are losing their lives when they get too close. An alien false flag event is on the Deep State’s agenda docket. Continuity...

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One Week to What’s Coming in 2023 Webinar

What’s really behind Friday’s shooting down of an unknown flying object over Alaska and the China balloon incident from a week earlier? Why are these enigmatic incidents getting saturation mainstream media coverage focusing on unknown national security threats from the sky? What is the Deep State...

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What’s Coming in 2023: Now on Brighteon & Vimeo!

[Update: Webinar was completed on February 18 and a replay is available on several platforms in edited and unedited versions- see below] Secret deals have been struck between an Earth Alliance of space faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations for major disclosures to happen in 2023, concerning...

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Halls of Records, Portals, the Inner Earth & Our ET Heritage

In 2008, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault was built by tunneling nearly 500 feet into the side of a Norwegian archipelago mountain located in the Arctic Ocean. Known as the “doomsday vault”, it is meant to ensure humanity has a chance to reseed after a catastrophic worldwide event. Other similar repositories...

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ET Seeders, Space Arks & the Great Reveal

There is compelling evidence that up to 24 extraterrestrial civilizations seeded humanity and have overseen as many as 22 long-term genetic experiments responsible for the incredible diversity in races and ethnicities found on Earth. The 24 ‘Seeder’ races (aka Elohim) have played significant roles...

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Atlantic Space Ark Rescue Mission

In his second mission to a space ark lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, JP (who currently serves with the US Army) describes a multinational rescue mission comprising US, Russian and Chinese soldiers. The mission was sent to rescue Aztec Indians from Mexico...

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