Ryan Wood is a leading world expert on UFO crash retrieval operations and leaked Majestic-12 classified documents. In December 2023, he released an updated edition of his pioneering book MAJIC Eyes Only where he analyses 104 UFO crash retrieval operations from around the world. His books and UFO Crash...
The Alien Love Bite – How ETs Manipulate Human Relationships in Abduction Programs
Eve Lorgen has been assisting hundreds of alien abductees heal trauma and recover memories since 1992 when she completed a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. She first became interested in extraterrestrial encounters as a child when she had her own abduction experience. Lorgen has learned...
Researching the Dulce Underground Alien Base & Recent UFO Reports: Interview with Anthony Sanchez
Anthony Sanchez had his first extraterrestrial contact experience at age 5 with a cube-shaped spacecraft. He has had similar encounters and witnessed multiple UFOs throughout his childhood. In 1989, he began actively researching UFO reports about Area 51 and a mysterious underground facility in Dulce,...
Investigating Daniel Salter’s USAF & NRO Career and UFO/ET Revelations – Part 2
Daniel Morris Salter worked for over 20 years with the USAF as an electronics communications expert and, in 1968, retired from active duty as a Command Sergeant Major—the highest rank for a non-commissioned officer. Early in his Air Force career, Salter had a UFO sighting in 1949, which propelled...
Moon Secrets & Suppressing Breakthrough Space Technologies – David Adair Part 4
In the final interview in this series, David Adair discusses his career after leaving US Navy service, where he worked on multiple NASA space projects through its National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) to introduce innovative technologies. He describes how multiple inventions—including one that...
Alien Gods in the Bible, Gog & Magog War & Arrival of the City of Jerusalem
Ella LeBain began experiencing alien abductions at two years of age and has since developed a life-long interest in studying UFOs, extraterrestrials, and ancient texts. In 1979, in Israel’s Negev Desert, she had contact with a celestial being who appeared to materialize out of the sun to meet with...
Escape from Area 51 & Forced Recruitment into the US Navy – David Adair Interview Part 3
In this third episode of the David Adair interview series, Adair discusses what happened at Area 51 after he left the large extraterrestrial spacecraft engine secretly carrying with him the engine’s consciousness or ‘katra’. He next describes how he destroyed his Pitholem electromagnetic fusion containment...
Visit to Area 51 and Ancient Alien EM Fusion Containment Engine – David Adair Interviews Part 2
David Adair’s father was a successful car mechanic associated with the establishment of NASCAR racing in the early 1950s, which later exposed the young Adair to the world of high-powered engines and car racing. Adair had a knack for developing innovative designs and solutions for the engines his father...
Child Prodigy in Designing Car and Rocket Engines – David Adair Interview 1
David Adair’s father was a successful car mechanic associated with the establishment of NASCAR racing in the early 1950s, which later exposed the young Adair to the world of high-powered engines and car racing. Adair had a knack for developing innovative designs and solutions for the engines his father...
Investigating Alien Abduction Attempts in Peru – An Interview with Timothy Alberino
Timothy Alberino recently returned from an investigation of claims that aliens were attempting to abduct members of an indigenous tribe in Peru’s Amazon region. Alberino investigated dozens of witnesses to the strange phenomenon which continues to occur. Witnesses described beings wearing full body...
The Connection between Sound, Chakra & Earth Activations with Extraterrestrial Contact
At age 4, Devara Thunderbeat had her first missing time experience, which she learned in 2004 through hypnotic regression with Dolores Cannon was a case of extraterrestrial contact. She has subsequently had transformative contact experiences with angelic beings and positive extraterrestrials, but...
Return of Ancient Aliens, Giants & UFO Disclosure is Underway Claim Veteran Researchers
Drs. JJ Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak have for five decades studied UFO reports and confirmed the existence of extraterrestrials and higher dimensional beings (aka celestials) interacting with humanity. They describe how ancient aliens (aka creator gods) played a role in genetically engineering modern...