Impending Announcement of Ruins from Futuristic Civilization Found in Antarctica
Many have been pondering the significance of recent visits to Antarctica by prominent officials and individuals offering puzzling explanations for their travel there. On November 9, U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, landed in Antarctica, during the peak of the U.S. Presidential Election. Why would the serving Secretary of State leave the U.S. at such a critical time just to observe global warming patterns in Antarctica?
Even more mysterious was the December 1 medical evacuation of astronaut Buzz Aldrin out of Antarctica, after a surprise visit there, apparently to become “the oldest person to reach the South Pole at the age of 86.” He was seen along with companions wearing shirts with “Get Your Ass to Mars” logos. Was he there because he wanted to personally see the discovery of something that would make his dream of Mars colonization a reality?
Earlier on February 18, 2016, Russian Patriarch Kirill visited a Russian outpost in Antarctica, reportedly to see penguins. Just over a month later, on March 23, President Obama visited the southern Argentinian resort town of Bariloche, which is claimed to have been the secret hideaway of Adolf Hitler after World War II. Bariloche became the unofficial capital of a breakaway German civilization based in Antarctica, and it is claimed that there is a hidden tunnel system from there to Antarctica. Also noteworthy, Presidents Eisenhower and Clinton have visited Bariloche.
The real reason for all these mysterious visits to Antarctica, and nearby locations such as Bariloche, is about to be revealed according to Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode. He says he was given time sensitive intelligence about an impending official announcement of the discovery of ruins from a futuristic civilization found in Antarctica.
Goode’s data is about to be released according to a December 6 update by David Wilcock who conducts a highly popular interview series on Gaia TV with Goode titled Cosmic Disclosure. In an article titled, “ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal,” Wilcock writes:
Imagine if you woke up one day to see hyper-futuristic ruins being revealed in Antarctica. You’re not seeing this on Ancient Aliens or on alternative news sites, but everywhere… on every major media platform there is.
Imagine journalists and military officials revealing these incredible findings—in videos shot on location. An event of this magnitude could be far more distracting than any 9/11-style catastrophe.
The power elite may well be hoping that such a civilization-defining “game changer” could make any and all preceding news stories irrelevant and forgotten.
Wilcock goes on to discuss what he believes is the ulterior motive for announcing such a monumental discovery at this time. He asserts it is designed to distract the mass public from recent Wikileaks revelations concerning “Pizzagate”, and the involvement of high level officials in both the Clinton and Obama administrations in pedophilia rings which involve child sacrifice. Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff, John Podesta, who was also Obama’s Counselor and senior advisor, as well as heading the Hillary Clinton campaign, figures prominently in the Pizzagate scandal.
Wilcock’s article, which is a prelude to an upcoming article about the impending Antarctica announcement, is quite detailed and well worth reading.
Wilcock says that the upcoming article was co-written with Goode. He describes what Goode’s sources have revealed to him about the discovery in Antarctica, and plans to officially disclose this. Wilcock writes:
Corey Goode was made aware of the discovery of epic new Antarctic ruins approximately three months ago, and wasn’t even authorized to tell David what was going on. We have only just now been cleared to release this critical, time-sensitive data to the public.
While we await the release of the upcoming update by Goode and Wilcock to provide more details of what was discovered in Antarctica, it is worth pondering the implications of Secretary Kerry’s recent visit there, if he did indeed witness such an incredible discovery.
As the outgoing Secretary of State, Kerry is sure to want to release the full portent of what he saw in Antarctica before his term officially ends in January 20, 2016. President Obama will likewise want to move forward with such a world shattering announcement to put the icing on his legacy as the first African American U.S. President, whose policies ushered in a new era of prosperity.
Alternatively, as Wilcock suggests, the goal is to distract the American press and public away from damaging evidence of the Clinton and Obama administrations’ involvement in pedophilia rings. This suggests that Podesta’s involvement in a US Air Force initiative to promote “limited disclosure” about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, was likewise designed to serve as a distraction from even more damaging “full disclosure” revelations provided by Corey Goode, William Tompkins and others.
Positive economic trends continue to emerge in the U.S. in terms of dropping unemployment, rising stock markets, and renewed optimism about the state of the economy. When combined with an official announcement of a discovery of the ruins of an advanced civilization in Antarctica, Obama will give a tremendous boost to his legacy. This information is likely to be given wall-to-wall coverage by the mainstream news, thereby distracting the public from alternative media reports about information that tarnishes Obama’s legacy.
Perhaps a further motivation for President Obama releasing news about such an Antarctica discovery would be to upstage the incoming Trump administration in terms of future bragging rights for who is to be ultimately credited for “Making America Great Again.”
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
- Agreement for Limited UFO ET Disclosure Impacts US Presidential Election
- Wikileaks Reveals USAF General involved in UFO & Secret Space Program Disclosures
- Leaked Document Recommends False Flag Alien Invasion to save Clinton Campaign
- Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat
- Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat – Pt 2
- Secret NRO Space Stations to be Revealed in Limited Disclosure Plan
Antarcitca, Barack Obama, Buzz Aldrin, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Podesta, Pizzagate