Inner Earth Civilizations Embark on Negotiations to End Isolation from Humanity
Hidden beneath the Earths surface are the remnants of ancient human civilizations spanning back in time as much as 18 million years ago. While the Inner Earth people look human enough, they are genetically very different to surface humanity. In the January 12 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, elaborates on his earlier revelation that surface humanity is a hybrid mixture of the ancestors of Inner Earth humans, residing on the surface, and various extraterrestrials who visited over the course of millennia.
Back on September 23, 2015, Goode issued a detailed report of his participation in secret negotiations with representatives from an alliance of seven Inner Earth breakaway civilizations. In his report, Goode described the very long history of the Inner Earth people, and their relationship with surface humanity and visiting extraterrestrials.
The Inner Earth beings believe that they are the direct descendants of the original earth human bloodlines, according to Goode. They developed a very peaceful global culture that used ancient builder technologies which were provided by a highly advanced extraterrestrial race called the “Guardians.
Eventually, they fled into the Earths interior to escape four major catastrophes on the surface. They took the most advanced technologies and knowledge from their civilizations with them to preserve these into the future.
Over the succeeding millennia, the Inner Earth beings would occasionally interact with the survivors of the surface destructions to give them help in rebuilding their civilizations. In Goodes September report, he described how the Inner Earth humans would pretend to be gods or extraterrestrials to those on the surface in order to hide their true origin and location.
The Inner Earth beings have much knowledge about humanitys true history, and have observed the genetic manipulation being done to surface humans over extended periods of time by visiting extraterrestrials. These genetic alterations made people overly aggressive and easily exploitable by visiting extraterrestrials. The relationship between the Inner Earth beings and extraterrestrials, allied with surface human hybrid colonies, has at times descended into violent conflict, as Goode explained in both his September report and the January 12 Cosmic Disclosure episode.
Goodes claim here is supported by various historical texts that describe violent conflicts on the Earths surface between different human civilizations and the various gods (extraterrestrials or Inner Earth beings) that supported one side or another.
Zecharia Sitchins book, The Wars of Gods and Men, described Sumerian records of these ancient conflicts. Similarly, the Mahabharata of Vedic India, describes wars between different gods and men.
Goode says that the Inner Earth humans have a political philosophy that is based on preserving their genetic purity which dictates separation from surface humanity. They have even maintained political isolation from each another because they descend from different ancient civilizations, some dating back hundreds of thousands of years, and others into the millions.
Until recently, the isolationist policy of the Inner Earth humans has worked. Change has come, however, with the development of advanced technologies by the Cabal/Illuminati and the Secret Space Programs, which now pose a direct threat to the Inner Earth humans.
This has led to the Inner Earth beings forming an unprecedented alliance between seven of their civilizations. In the January 12 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Goode describes this alliance and his visit to the Inner Earth, which was also discussed in his September 2015 written report.
A key topic of discussion in the September 2015 meeting was future cooperation between the Inner Earth groups and the Secret Space Program Alliance. This would lead to future disclosures culminating in the announcement of the existence of the Inner Earth groups to the rest of humanity.
Most disturbing is Goodes admission that some of the Inner Earth groups have made and long maintained secret agreements with human elites (Cabal/Illuminati) on the Earths surface. This has included agreements with German Secret Societies that has led to their development of a highly advanced secret space program in collaboration with the Nazi regime.
These Germans succeeded in establishing bases on the Moon, Mars and even interstellar travel during the 1940s, according to information Goode says he read from smart glass pads he had access to while working on Secret Space Programs.
Goode asserts that the agreements made with the Inner Earth humans were recently broken by the Cabal/Illuminati, whose power base was threatened when their most important ally, an extraterrestrial race called the Draconians, signaled their intent to abandon the Cabal/Illuminati.
In secret negotiations with a Space Program Alliance the Draconians leader, Goode revealed that a White Royal Draco bargained for safe passage out of the solar system only for himself and his personal entourage. Desperation subsequently gripped the Cabal/Illuminati who sought ways to expand their territory below the Earths surface, at the expense of the Inner Earth beings.

Goode explains why a highly advanced and powerful new group of extraterrestrial visitors, called the Sphere Being Alliance, are venerated by the Inner Earth beings who regard them as the Guardians.
The Sphere Being Alliance have appointed Goode to be their main representative, while also working with another individual, Lt Col Gonzales (a pseudonym), who maintains a position in the Secret Space Program Alliance. Both Goode and Gonzales have allegedly participated in secret negotiations with the Inner Earth beings, aimed at convincing them to reveal themselves to all of us.
Goode is expected to release further reports soon about his encounter with the Inner Earth groups detailing their history and interactions with generations past and present on the surface.
If Goodes claims are accurate, then it would help us to understand much about ourselves. Perhaps surface humanity are indeed extraterrestrial hybrids bioengineered to be overly aggressive by succeeding alien visitors. Our Inner Earth brethren, however, may remind us of something dormant in each of us, something that we share in common as human beings, which strengthens our instinct and desire for peace.
Recorded history is a testament to humanitys overly aggressive and warlike behavior. If we are soon to openly meet with representatives from ancient Inner Earth human civilizations that carry with them the knowledge of a long forgotten peaceful global culture, then such a meeting is likely to be deeply transformative and cathartic.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
[Update 1/13/16 –The article has been updated to clarify the issue of future disclosure of the Inner Earth Groups to surface humanity as Corey Goode explained in his Sept 2015 Report. ]
Further Reading
- Secret Space Program Alliance Negotiates with Council of Ancient Earth Civilizations
- Secret Space Programs & Alien Disclosures may lead to World War if Elites not given Amnesty
- Global elites offer to begin limited disclosure of extraterrestrial life & technology in Nov 2015
- Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward
- Ancient space programs & human-extraterrestrial alliance meetings
Corey Goode, Cosmic Disclosure, German Secret Societies, Inner Earth Civilizations, secret space programs